Hey, Elizabeth! It's great to see you back on FB and also to see your photo this morning. That was a gorgeous sunset over the water with the old pier in the foreground. Excellent framing as usual and beautiful colors. Are you in North Carolina on a job or just for fun? Maybe both. :) I hope you are having a blast and please post more pics if you feel like doing so. As always, I hope everything is going good. :)
The rain finally stopped here, and the Sun came out too. Hooray! We've had about six weeks of crummy weather, mostly cold and overcast, and then rain for the last week or so, but now we may be coming out of it, fingers crossed. I've only been on two hikes since late February (Towsley Canyon and Santa Susana), with no trips at all to Aliso, which I normally visit once or twice a week. Bad weather sucks! But now it looks like an extended period of sunshine is ahead of us, even if we are still chillin' in the low 60s. This definitely ain't normal SoCal weather, but I'll take the Sun over grey skies.
Tonight I watched a movie called "LBJ". You can probably guess who it was about. It starred Woody Harrelson as Lyndon Johnson. He was in full prosthetic makeup which was as accurate as possible given Woody's own facial features, and I thought he did a good job in his portrayal of the former President and psychopathic killer who masterminded the JFK assassination.
The problem with the film was that they did not portray any of that latter characterization of Johnson. Rob Reiner directed, and so the movie was more or less a whitewash.
I have promised myself, before I began this blog, that I won't go on any tirades about LBJ or Rob Reiner, but I'm not sure I'll be able to stick with it.
Rob Reiner was great as "Meathead" on "All In The Family", and beginning with "Spinal Tap" 34 years ago, he made a few classic films as a movie director, among them "Stand By Me" and "The Princess Bride". But then, around the turn of the century and millennium, he decided he wanted to be a force in politics, and he emerged as the kind of in-your-face pushy, ultra-liberal Democrat that I can't stand, because that type of politics is not much different than the Right Wing version. Reiner was in the news a lot back then, trying to shove his ideas down everyone's throat, most notably his anti-smoking campaign. On the surface, it sounds admirable to try to get people to stop smoking, right? But the way in which Rob Reiner went about it was straight Gestapo and very privileged on his part. I haven't the time or inclination to detail my objections for you, but I will tell you that I have lived in Los Angeles all my life, and I know it's politics, and I have come to loathe the Limousine Liberals just as much as I detest Right Wing Nutcases like Trump. Rob Reiner picked smoking as his #1 issue, and he went after cigarette smokers as if they were AR-15 owners. You can Google it if you want to. My Mom was a lifelong smoker, and she wasn't bothering anybody. She had cut it down to about half a pack per day by 1999 - ten cigs - and now here in the news was this movie director, the multimillionaire Rob Reiner, who was on a crusade to stamp out smoking in California and Los Angeles, who proposed huge tax increases on cigarettes, who wanted to ban smoking even on the sidewalk and in any public place. He wanted to do this all at once, but as assholeish as his proposition was, it wasn't entirely the anti-smoking campaign that caused me to detest him.
Instead, it was the Entitled Smugness with which he put it forth, because of his Hollywood money and power at the time. He was a Liberal Hollywood Asshole, and those guys are literally no different than Right Wing Assholes. They just have different agendas they want to shove down your throat.
You would have to do some Googling on Rob Reiner to see my point, because he gave up politics (and his movie career basically went down the tubes), but you can be sure that I am telling it like it was.
The guy was a pushy, over-the-top jackass, who had once been a very talented TV actor and had also directed a couple of very good movies.
But "ohh, the Ego of the Hollywood Celebrity Politician".
What a bunch of phoney-baloney assholes, and I am very sorry for the language but I absolutely cannot stand these people, because they are the same kind of people who enable a Weinstein or an LBJ.
And so you know that if Rob Reiner directed a movie about Lyndon Baines Johnson, that it was gonna be half-baked at best, which is what it was. He did present LBJ as the crude, boorish and calculating politician he was at the best of times, but he completely glossed over or forgot about entirely LBJ's certain involvement in murdering Kennedy, and just as importantly, he left out LBJ's escalation of the Vietnam War, which killed 52,000 American soldiers and millions of Vietnamise, Cambodians and Laotians. In the movie, Reiner only wanted to focus on LBJ's pushing through Kennedy's Civil Rights Bill, which Johnson had opposed until he became President and had control of it and could get the credit for it.
A total whitewash by Rob Reiner, who did present Johnson as a very flawed character but championed him at the end of the movie.
Folks, this is me speaking to you. I am lifelong Los Angeles. I know my Hollywood. I am in no way shape or form a Right Winger or Trumper or anything of the kind. But I am for sanity and for truth, and the truth is that Phoney-Baloney Hollywood "Liberals" like Rob Reiner are as bad as any Trump, because they think they know what's best for you, and they believe that their money and Hollywood power entitles them to make decisions and form policies that will decide how you live your life.
So guess what? Screw 'em both.
The Gun-Nut NRA-supporting Trumpers get a bigger Screw 'Em, but the Phoney-Baloney Cover Everything Up Liberals in Hollywood are running a close second, because they are all about money, too. And they don't give a hoot about the truth any more than the moneyed Right Wing Maniacs do.
Sorry about the tirade, but..........Rob Reiner (and his phony portrayal of LBJ).
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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