Tonight I watched Episode Four of "Twin Peaks". I watched it alone, which is the best way, because Grimsley confirmed that he didn't like it. I am loving it myself, although as I mentioned earlier, it doesn't seem very much like the "Twin Peaks" I remember from 1990-91. Gone is a lot of the folksiness of the first show, replaced by out-and-out weirdness. I mean, the first show was weird, but the new one is Weird.
I don't know if you saw what I did there, but I not only capitalised the "W" in weird, but I also added bold typeface, and then I added italics, and then I underlined everything to turn "weird" into "Weird".
That was my way of emphasizing just how much Weirder the new "Twin Peaks" is, compared to the old "Twin Peaks", which was just plain weird, but plenty weird itself.
I love weird, and you do too, to some degree. Everyone likes at least a touch of weirdness.
So far, after just four episodes (out of eighteen), the story is almost entirely focused on Agent Cooper and his Doppleganger, a very dangerous hoodlum who may be working undercover. Both Coopers are away from Twin Peaks. The real Agent Cooper, after exiting the Red Curtain Room, finds himself totally disoriented and living in Las Vegas. He wins multiple jackpots at a casino, but he doesn't know who he is. The Doppleganger Agent Cooper, who is deadly when crossed, looks like he stepped out of Tarantino's "Grindhouse". He is currently operating in South Dakota, involved with a bad crowd, though as I say he seems to be operating undercover. In contrast to the confused Agent Cooper in Vegas, this guy knows exactly who he is - he is Agent Cooper - but in reality he isn't Agent Cooper. He is a deadly Doppleganger set forth by Bob, the Satanic figure from the first "Twin Peaks".
The only steady action taking place in the town of Twin Peaks is a mysterious investigation that is unfolding at the Sheriff's station, spurred on by a phone call from The Log Lady to Sheriff Hawk in Episode One. A few members of the original cast have been reintroduced, but have appeared only in spots thus far.
After four episodes, I still give it a 10 out of 10 rating, though it seems quite a bit removed from the original series so far. Watch for yourself and see. :)
I was excited to receive in the mail today a copy of the Lunar Atlas, which as the title goes on to say was Prepared By The Space Sciences Laboratory of the Space Division of North American Aviation, Inc.
That's one heck of a title. The Lunar Atlas is a book that was originally released in 1964, and as the title describes, it contains a series of 154 plates (full page photographs) of the Moon, depicting the Lunar Surface in detail from up close. The photos were taken by an orbiter camera (not sure which mission), but they are amazing looking, and most important to me is that I now have a copy of the 1968 edition of the book (the original 1964 sells for hundreds of dollars), and I can open it up at my leisure and pore over (is it pore or pour?...I think it's pore).....but yeah, I can now sit there listening to Spanish Organ Music or whatever, and most likely to KUSC if I am too lazy to look up something on Youtube, and I can pore over the 154 plates in the Lunar Atlas, staring at amazing flyby photographs of the Moon that were taken in 1964, five years before we landed on the Moon.
I won't do a tirade (promise!), but - and I encourage you to look into the evidence for yourself - it is far beyond clear that there are ruins on the Moon.
I am a person who wishes that humanity could move forward, and that we could be given a chance to stop avoiding the next steps in our collective adventure. Now, it is not the fault of ordinary folks that we are all held back as a species. And of course we, as humans, are much more than a species. We are Consciousness Personified. But we are having our progress held back a handful of people, who secrete the knowledge of what has been discovered on the Moon, and on Mars. I won't go on a tirade, but I will repeat yet again that the evidence is plentiful and obvious, and I will say yet again that it is not fair, and also profoundly wrong, for this knowledge to be withheld from the world public.
Ruins on the Moon and Mars. Straight up truth. Investigate for yourself if you wish.
Back here on Earth, I wanna go fossil hunting as I mentioned either last night or the night before. In reading "Forbidden Archaeology", I am learning where fossils are found. Now, I know I won't likely find dinosaur bones on my hikes, but I'll betcha that there have got to be some stone implements, meaning primitive tools (for scraping and chopping) still sitting out there in the rocks of Chatsworth, or the ancient creek beds of Aliso and Limekiln. I have occasionally picked up a small, colored rock or two on my hikes, but I have never set out to actually look for a fossil, like a shellfish, or to look for what they call a neolith or a paleolith, meaning a stone or flint chipping tool from ages long past.
But now, on occasional hikes at least, I will look for them. Man, to do an archaeological dig up at Santa Susana would be amazing.....
But yeah, there's stuff on the Moon, and it's amazing to read about, and it would be a blast to look for stuff here on Earth, while hiking, and it's all pretty interesting just because it's all about the study of the human race.
Elizabeth, I hope you had a good day. I did see a few posts on FB. I especially liked the one about your friends who are getting engaged. :):)
That would also be something that would really be cool to do. :):)
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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