Sub-Zero tonight, with Gale Force Winds. It's almost April - what gives? What happened to our weather? Sorry I missed ya last night, but I couldn't come up with anything to write about. I watched a "Twin Peaks" instead of a movie; you already know about "TP", it's Weird, and there's not a lot you can write about to describe it. I couldn't base a blog solely on an episode of the show. Also, I didn't wanna just pick another subject out of a hat to go on a tirade about. I don't wanna become The Tirade Guy. "Hey! Look who's back again tonight - it's The Tirade Guy! Wonder what he'll be railing against this time"? That's not how I wish to be perceived, haha.
Now, that doesn't mean I will abandon tirades. No siree, because they are probably at least a minor drawing card, if I don't do 'em all the time and - most importantly - if I can keep 'em witty. If I can Skewer rather than simply Bitch & Moan about stuff. And also, there is occasionally stuff that is worth talking about, besides the same old political issues which go nowhere here in America.
The best Tirades are spur-of-the-moment. I can't premeditate 'em because then they sound forced, and it makes me look like a "Get Off My Lawn" Curmudgeon, which I am decidedly not.
Well, I think I am now tirading against myself, so it's time to change the subject.
We had good singing in church this morn. T'was Palm Sunday, the lead-in to Easter Week which is the most important period in the Christian calendar. I always enjoy singing at this time because the hymns that are chosen are the most famous ones that even non-churchgoers might recognize, and they have that English melodic framework that is also very familiar, which as a choir member I call "climbing the ladder". I pretty much get goosebumps singing the best hymns, and they are designed that way, to produce maximum emotion. Greg Lake is my idol, vocally, and though I can't quite sing like him I would like to be able to. If you want to hear my ideal, for Church Singing, listen to "Jerusalem" by Emerson Lake and Palmer. It's their version of the hymn by William Blake. Greg's voice on that song is what I would love to sound like, even a little bit lol.
Tonight I watched a "Rawhide" and began work on another drawing. This aft I went to Big 5 and bought a new pair of shoes, my standard White Sneakers (athletic shoes). Now I don't have to do my daily miles in my hiking boots anymore, which was killing my feet.
In addition to the fascinating book "Forbidden Archaeology" by Michael Cremo, I am also reading "The Franklin Scandal", with it's terrible subject matter. I must note that I previously misidentified the title of the book as "The Franklin Cover Up". That is a different book by an author named John DeCamp, who was the first person to write about the story. I have that book ordered from the Libe, and I got it's title mixed up with the similar title of the book I am actually reading, which is "The Franklin Scandal" by Nick Bryant.
At any rate, it's a horrible story that needs to be told, and it should have been broadcast on National TV, but instead it was buried by the Federal government, and the reasons are tragic because of the children involved. Nobody cared about them, except for the authors of the books, and a few investigators who had no power compared to the Feds, and the witnesses in Nebraska and Washington DC, who were marginalised and threatened, and told to shut up and change their stories, to say that they were lying about what they previously had described to investigators as having happened to them.
There is zero doubt that their story is true overall, and it was buried.
I am especially interested in The Franklin Scandal because it unfolded in 1988/89, in the same general timeframe as What Happened In Northridge.
George Bush was in office for both situations. In the situation of What Happened In Northridge, which I am the only person ever to have acknowledged, George Bush was not only the President Of The United States Of America at the time it unfolded (September 1989), but he was also the only person - as President - who could have authorized the overarching and unprecedented power play that shut down the Los Angeles Police Department's local authority, and more importantly, authorised the use of futuristic military technology that, among other things, caused many people who were involved in Northridge to experience amnesia to certain degrees : in my case it was total amnesia for four years, and I suspect in the case of many others it was enough - whatever was done to these folks - to get them to accept in their own minds that "it never happened", even though they know in their hearts that it did.
This is the power of the technology, which involves disrupting the hippocampus of the brain. If you wish to study the diabolical actions of the CIA in the MK Ultra years, you will discover that their lead scientists, who were a bunch of human monsters, learned through experimentation how the brain works.
The human brain is like a car engine to these people, and you can believe me 1000% when I tell you that they were evil personified.
This is the CIA of the Allen Dulles era, which I have already written about.
But you would think that, somewhere in the interim of thirty or so years between the 1950s and the 1980s - the time of The Franklin Scandal and also What Happened In Northridge, that somebody would have stepped up to the plate and rescued the CIA, and America, from these Horrible Monsters, these pedophiles and Satanists, who are documented to have been in place as being connected to that agency at that time.
A few people did step up to the plate - the lead investigator of Franklin was killed - but the end result was that the Satanists who had Federal power behind them suffered only mild consequences at worst.
The whole structure of Nebraska law enforcement was committed to burying this case, which involved child prostitution, whose clients extended to Washington DC.
These are not merely criminals but Monsters, and it is very important to note the difference. Criminals, however bad they may be, operate on a recognizable societal scale. They rob stores, or kidnap, murder, etc., and the police get them. Crimes are solved, or that is at least the operating principle.
But with these Satanic criminals at the Federal level, they do not operate by society's rules because there is no one who can bust them. They are the highest law enforcement authority, or to be more precise, they have the highest Federal authority in their pocket, and this is because of sexual blackmail.
You will remember what I mentioned the other night about human Demons (a real thing, not fantasy), who are possessed of tremendous Drive To Succeed and Attain Power. They have this drive because they are powered by Evil, which acknowledges itself within these people by their psychosexual drives.
These drives say to these people, "you need power, or you'll never get away with what you are doing". The Demon inside such a person drives them to acheive a powerful position of authority, so that they can indeed continue to get away with their compulsions, because when they have that authority, no one can shut them down.
When they are at the top of the Federal Investigative Agencies, and when they have Judges in their pocket, and Congresspeople, because they have blackmail on those folks, because those folks have the same sexual predilections, then there is nobody who can shut down their ring.
The local cops can't do it because they don't have the jurisdiction. Private investigators can't do it because the Feds have infinitely more money and power to shut them down and even kill them.
Newspapers can't do it because their reporters can never really get to the bottom of what has happened, and even if they do - as in Franklin - a Federal judge will shut the case down and close the books on it.
These are people at the Federal level who are willing to let children go down the tubes, to be sacrificed, in order that no one discover what their perverted brethren in Washington DC and in Hollywood, Nebraska, and wherever are up to. They are a network of Satanic pedophiles who have Federal authority, who keep secrets and protect one another.
It's no joke. The Franklin story took place 30 years ago. So did What Happened In Northridge. I am not saying that Northridge involved children, but it happened at around the same time, when Bush was President, and it certainly involved sex and drugs, including a violent sexual psychopath named Jared Rappaport. Gotta keep harping on him because nothing has ever been done about the guy. He should have gone to prison for life.
Well that's my blog for tonight. If these details are too strong for you, then please don't read. I write my blogs more or less according to what I am thinking about on any particular day. A lot of times I have a movie to write about. In the old days I was writing to the SB, who isn't around as much now. I don't want to just write about stuff like this, but it's kind of like the high school students in Florida, I suppose. They have to march about a very unpleasant subject in order to try to create a change in America, and they are up against a very treacherous opponent, the equally Satanic NRA organisation.
But those students are marching nonetheless. They are standing up to Evil.
And that's all I am trying to do, in my minor way, by writing about what I am reading.
And because What Happened In Northridge has parallels to Franklin, and because Northridge happened to me.
I am just trying to step up to the plate, and maybe I will inspire someone to do the same.
That's all for tonight. See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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