Thursday, April 14, 2016

Beautiful Pic + The Kobester (not the dog) + BP

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

That was a beautiful picture of you this morning, taken by your friend, and a very pretty dress or blouse you are wearing. I'm glad you enjoyed Arizona. I've gotta see it one day myself.  :)

Today was low key, still de-stressing from the experience yesterday, so I went for a quick hike at Aliso Canyon which is close and easy. Aliso is like Santa Su as far as pics go, I've kinda covered it, unless I see a really unique pattern of light or something, so I didn't take photos. But I did have a relaxing walk, and things are pretty much back to normal here at Pearl's. Thank goodness.

Tonight was the grand finale, for Laker fans, of Kobe Bryant's 20 year career. He's been a Laker all that time, since 1996 when you were just about to turn four years old.  :)

Yeah, sports....I know.

But we do love The Original Kobester (meaning "before The Dog") here in L.A., and tonight I listened to the game on radio (don't have cable in my apt.) and it was one of the most exciting games I've ever experienced. Kobe scored 60 points, which very rarely happens. It was such a great send off for the fans.....

Other than that, I've just been reading my books and trying to hold down the fort here at Pearl's. I've also been sort of monitoring my blood pressure on my Mom's old bp machine, which is another story. I got kind of obsessed with "numbers" because my brother-in-law mentioned that he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I am not a "doctor person" (to put it mildly), and I am a typical male in that regard I suppose. But I do try to take care of my own health, and I know all about healthy eating, exercising, and meditating and maintaining a positive attitude to avoid stress.

But my bro-in-law's talk of diagnostic "numbers" got to me. Nowdays, you've gotta know your cholesterol number! Your blood sugar number! And most importantly (so they say) your BP number. I hadn't checked mine in years. In my late 30s and early 40s, on the occasional check it used to hover around 140/90, which believe it or not was considered normal until 2003. That's when this obsession with lower BP began, with the medical field.

Anyhow, I hate all that stuff, and I just have always gone by how my body feels, and have been blessed with great health. But I got all freaked out with the idea of "numbers" because of listening to my bro-in-law, and so I checked my bp with Mom's digital machine, and it was about 137/85. That's actually better than it was 10 years ago, and it's pretty good for a guy my age. But they have this obsession with so-called "perfect" blood pressure now, so I am back on the No Fun Diet, which is low sodium (among other no fun things), and I am also trying to cut my caffeine intake in half, though it wasn't high to begin with.

I mean, I have no other risk factors. No family history. My parents both lived into their 80s, Mom to 82 even with smoking, and Dad to 88 with Herculian drinking. They never worried about this stuff, though they were both on meds for bp for many years.

I don't wanna ever be on meds, for anything. So I am gonna try to bring my bp down naturally, and if I can get it down to about 135/82 or thereabouts, that'll be good enough for me.

The last time I checked it, just two days ago, it was only 132/80 when I woke up. Not too shabby!

So if I can just get it to stay somewhere in that range throughout the day, then all is well.

I'm not a huge fan of the Medical Establishment because they get a person like me all freaked out on this stuff. I ask myself, "what did people do for thousands of years with no diagnostic digital numbers to worry about". The answer is "they lived their lives". And they got exercise. And in those days there was no processed food. So maybe I'm doing some things right anyhow.  :)

On a happier note, I did see a post by you just a little while ago, and it had a baby in it. Now, the post itself was also about a medical issue - vaccines to be exact - but I will go out on a limb and guess that, maybe, you meant it as a Sweet Baby post.........(I hope you did)..

Well, that's all for tonight. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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