Hi, Sweet Baby,
Happy Late Night. You may or may not be back from your concert tonight, but I hope you had a blast, and the bands too for that matter. I hope everyone had a blast and that they had a good turnout also. You probably took a ton of shots. I saw Sarah's post (under posts You like) and she said they were gonna be shooting a video, so......are you the one doing it? That would be extra cool, and another notch on your video resume. I hope you are making the video, but even if not, you still have a lot of things happening. :) I will look forward to your shots from the show tonight.
Church was good this morn. We sang really well, and got compliments again. And.....I did something I've never done before. (what could it be?....)
I rehearsed solo - just me singing alone - with our choir director at the piano. There was a luncheon after the service, which Pearl and I did not attend, but most of the choir did. Last time I did Pot Luck, in February, I got hammered with one of the worst flu bugs of my life, so I don't do Pot Luck anymore, but anyway, so I was still on the stage, going over my sheet music, and the director came in and asked if I wanted to just rehearse the tenor part alone, so I figured I might as well. I wanna become a good singer, after all. :)
So, if you had come into the church at about Noon, you'd have heard me singing solo at full volume, accompanied by piano. It was fun, and I am glad I had the confidence to do it. Normally, or perhaps in my younger years, I might not have. I have always loved singing to myself, but singing in front of others is fairly new to me. It's a whole new discovery, and another chapter in "You Never Know What's Gonna Happen In Life".
That's all for tonight! I will see you in the morning. Post some pics if you wanna. :)
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo :):)
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