Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Photos, Americana, and Hillary

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I'm just checking in to say hi. Not much to report, yesterday and today being Typical Workdays. I did see yesterday morning that you were having issues with your computer, so I hope it checked out okay, if you did wind up taking it to the repairman. If that's the computer you use for your work, then you need it to be in tip top shape. With these little Chromebooks that I have, just uploading too many photos will cause them to slow down and crash. If I plug in a 16gb SD card, I am asking for trouble, lol.

I also saw a post that said something about a "sneak peek" at a new shoot, and the photo was one of the models you have worked with, so maybe that is another new project? Just guessing as always.

I was looking at your latest Flickr photos again, and I really like the one with the Pepsi machine and the classic Midwestern house off to the side and in the distance. It represents Americana, and I love that kind of stuff. The snow on the ground sets the time of year, and it's just really good. It represents something solid.

I have always wanted to just drive, because I have never traveled, and I would love to drive across highways and photograph all kinds of things that represent solid, or lasting America. Even to get pictures of things like old pay phone booths, or old abandoned gas stations, that is the kind of thing I would look for, and in your pic, you got a lot of stuff into the composition - the brick wall, the Pepsi machine, which is all squared away and linear, and then on the right side you have the angled lines of the street and the snow, anchored at the back by the house and even the once again linear telephone pole. So that, to me, is really good composition in a photo, and it also says something about it's subject matter. A couple Summers ago, I was driving around Reseda on work breaks, looking for cool Old Stuff, or Regular Everyday Stuff, to shoot, and I found some interesting old shops and a laundromat that was cool. That kind of stuff.

So now maybe I will go out and look again. Good photos are waiting where you may not always expect them.  :)

Well, tonight in New know the result. If you are a Bernie supporter I am sorry, although you voted for Obama in 2012, and Hillary was Obama's Secretary Of State, so maybe you are supporting her.

Oh, heck, I don't know, and it's none of my business.  :)

But it's exciting, I think, that we are on the verge of having our first female Presidential nominee.

And Hillary will beat Trump, guaranteed. So coming up in the Fall, America will be the first Superpower in the modern age to have a woman at the helm. And it will just be interesting to see how a woman, in this case Hillary, who is very intelligent, approaches the Presidency, as different from how all the men who preceded her have approached it.

Maybe China and Russia will one day have female Presidents, too. I don't say that to pander or to be patronising, but because - hey! - it might just lead the world in a new direction.

Who said it's a Man's World, anyway?

(I mean, men are pretty cool too, they've invented stuff, they play football and stuff like that)....

But this time it's a woman's turn. So "Go Hillary"!

See you in the morning, Sweet Baby. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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