Hi Elizabeth,
I am just getting home from Pearl's following choir practice, and I thought I'd check in early because I saw your post via Tristan on FB, the one with Edward Scissorhands. I am assuming you meant it as a general response to me, because it refers to "how life is going" at the moment.
If you mean that things are difficult in your life right now, of course I am sorry to hear that, but I'm also glad you posted, because to communicate is always the best thing (and I know I harp on it all the time like a broken record).
If that is the case, I don't know what the problems are, but all I can say is that I'm here for you as always. Sounds trite, I know, but you know I mean it, and that I am not just a guy on FB. At least I hope I'm not. You know I love you and care about you. What happens in your life is important to me. That's why I said last night that I wish our communication was like it was a couple years ago, but don't worry about that now. What's important is for you to just hang in there and keep the faith, whatever it is that's going on.
I have been under the assumption that everything is going well with your career, and that ytou have had many projects lined up and things you are working on currently. I hope that is the case, but if you are in the midst of a dry spell - don't worry. Again, just have patience and faith, and continue to do what you do and perfect your crafts. Whether you have many clients at any given time, or just a few, or none at all, that is just like a line in a graph. It will always go up and down somewhat. But what is always present is your talent, which is already at a high and professional level. You have professional talent and high creativity at a young age. Your career is not gonna go anywhere but up, even if it takes some time.
So that's what I say if the issue is your career and amount of current clients. No worries, my dear. :)
If it's money, same thing. We know it's not easy to earn a living in any artistic endeavor, but it can be done, and it is done all the time. Your Mom seems to support what you are doing, which is awesome, and if that is the case then don't worry about the money because it, too, will come.
And remember what we used to talk about in the old days, about how, as an Artist (for you, a Capital A is always necessary), the main thing you need to be concerned about is simply paying the bills. If you've got the bills paid, everything else is gravy. Artists aren't in it for the mansion and the Rolls Royce. Those things are nice, but for the Artist, the real reward is in the creation of the Art. So if you are creating, and you've got the bills paid, and perhaps a little extra, then everything is good. And one day you can make a lot of money, too, especially with your talents.
But if you are struggling in any aspect at the moment, I urge you not to worry too much. Or even at all, really. Things will improve. They always do.
I hope everything is good at home, and here at my end, you know I have always supported everything you do, and it goes without saying that I always will. I am glad you posted, cause it always better to communicate if things aren't going right, and it helps me to know what's going on. Remember in the old days, when I would say "I am reinforcing you"? Like an actual Force, lol, but for real. I just remembered that I used to say that, so I'm saying it again! :)
That's all for now. I'm gonna relax for a few minutes and then do some shopping before I head back to Pearl's, but I will be around as usual, for most of the afternoon and evening. And I will write more later tonight at the usual time.
I Love You. No worries because everything will be okay. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:32am : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. I hope the rest of your day was good, and that things are going a little better than they were, if my assumption was correct in the first place about the Scissorhands post. I had a nice evening, though I watched another Von Trier film and I sorta wish I could have my 104 minutes back, lol. It was called "The Element Of Crime", made in 1984 so it was an early effort for him, and to be honest I thought it was pretty bad. It wasn't shocking like "Antichrist", but that was a well made film, with good pacing, despite the content. This was supposed to be some kind of nightmarish detective story, and the nightmare in this case was for the viewer - me. So, Von Trier is kind of striking out with me. "Dogville", which I saw on dvd with my Mom in 2004, was pretty bad. "Antichrist" was good, as a pure horror film, but awful in some of it's content. And "Element Of Crime" was the worst of the bunch. Lars Von Trier is a critic's favorite, but I think I am all done with him, and I have never said that about any director before - only actors - but after tonight I can go no further, haha.
I am really enjoying my new books, and singing, and I just try to fill my off hours with Stuff That Means Something To Me, or anything that is enriching, even short periods of rest and meditation. For you, I would just suggest that you keep in mind the Fun Aspect of your work, and remember the times you had coming up at UW and also in art school in Italy. In other words, always keep in mind, in the first place, why you love doing what you do, and don't worry too much about the other stuff. In my life - though admittedly lived in a mostly non-professional setting - I have nonetheless had a wealth of experience on the ups and downs we all go through, and so I can report back to you (back in time, so to speak, you being younger than me), that if you just keep doing what you do, and focus entirely on it, even if it has many aspects (other things you like besides your profession) - if you just will always focus 100% on who you are and what you do, and practice the things you are good at, that are important to you......
You will never go wrong, and you will never lose, nor be lost.
That I guarantee you from experience.
That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. I Love You and am thinking about you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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