Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Happy Monday Night + BP + English

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

Today I did see a few posts from you, and a couple were via your friend Steve, so maybe that means you are working on something for his band? Just a guess as always. :) If true, however, then it might mean that I got it wrong yesterday, and that things are going okay for you, client-wise. I hope so, and that's what I thought in the first place. I don't know if we are ever gonna have communication like we used to, only you know for sure. :)

Good news on the blood pressure front. This morning I got the lowest reading I've ever had : 115/76. I took it again this afternoon and it was back to 132/81, so I guess my average "walking around" BP is somewhere in that range, and it lowers at night. When I am exerting, it goes up as high as 150/90 or so, like when I took it a few weeks ago after pushing my sister around in a wheelchair, but after Googling obsessively about it, I find that this is normal, too. They say that people lifting weights can go as high as 200/120, so I guess I can stop worrying. If my average is about 132/81 or so, then that's pretty good for 56.

I am reading my books and Googling terms like "ecumenical" and "epistemological" and "ecclesiatical", and "dispensation" and several dozen other terms and phrases, so as to understand the technical language of the Church, a language that was very precise due to the dialectical breakdown of ideas in that time, especially by the Greeks. They sure had some heavy thinkers back then.

I have remarked to friends in recent years that nowdays, an entire conversation between two Surfers could consist of one word - "dude" - uttered with different emphasis and differing inflections. Though the importance of language has been devalued since the time of the Greeks, the two Dudes having the conversation would still understand each other, because of inflection, emphasis, body language, and common culture. No Googling would be necessary.

But with precision of language, and dialectics, and all of this Greek philosophy, you've really gotta know the terminology. And I think that a lot of it bogs down the understanding of it's meaning to the general public. It's another case, for me, like with advanced mathematics, as these subjects are written about by members of each discipline, who are not capable of explaining to the layman.

It's all about language, and if the language of explanation is able to be used at it's zenith, on any subject, then almost anyone can understand anything. Without a lot of convoluted verbiage which slows down comprehension.

Ideas should be presented, in writing and in conversation, somewhere between the examples of the Two Surfers, who have simplified language to a single word, and the Greeks, who had convoluted multisyllabic words for every aspect of philosphical perception.

English is the greatest language ever conceived for the explanation of concepts. But it must be used precisely, and without excess flourish, to be understood......without Googling, or being a Surfer.  :)

That's all for tonight.

I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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