Happy Late Thursday Night, my Darling,
Tonight at CSUN we saw some of John Cassavetes' television work, including two episodes of "Johnny Staccato" (which he directed and starred in), an episode of "Rawhide" - which was the TV Western that Clint Eastwood got his start in, before he became a movie star - and also an episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", in which Cassavetes played an escaped convict who takes a woman hostage in her home. He played a bad guy in the "Rawhide" show too, and he is really good at bad guys, but I like him even better as "Johnny Stacatto" a tough but good guy who just happens to be a Jazz Pianist Who Solves Crimes. Great stuff tonight, all episodes were 30 minutes except the "Rawhide" which was an hour. I am becoming a big John Cassavetes fan, as much for his acting as his directing. He was very handsome, and a really good actor, and I liked seeing those old TV shows (gotta get "Rawhide" on dvd, too!) :)
That was the main event for the day. We actually had a warm afternoon here, with temps in the low 80s, but by tomorrow morning it will be raining again, so they say. If there is a break in the rain, I will try to do an afternoon hike, maybe take some pix.
I saw several posts today, including just a little while ago Sarah's post about the sexist video. I applaud her response. The guy who made the request (don't know if he is the videographer or just a rep) must be a knucklehead - at the very least - not to have done any research to see that Sarah is an up-and-coming guitarist in her own right, and doesn't need to be an "accessory" in any video, let alone a cheesy, outdated one. At worst, the guy is just a dumbell. Don't ask me. And from my own point of view, lol - that of a huge fan of guitar going wayyyyy back - the last kind of video I wanna see (or hear) is of A Bunch Of Guys Shredding.
Shredding is One Big Snoozefest. Always has been. Add sexism to the mix and you've got a recipe for No Thank You. :)
I also saw your posts, via people I am not familiar with, about being happy that you picked up a camera, which was indeed one of the best decisions you ever made, and really was the only natural choice, because it was your destiny. I am reading a lot about something called Noetics in the obtuse (but very interesting) Schwaller book "The Temple Of Man". The "nous" is the consciousness of the soul that exists behind even your subconscious, and your Soul is The Real You That Exists In Infinity, Outside Of Time (and your Spirit is the part that can travel between Soul and Mind/Body, it is the part that communicates between your Soul and You). Anyhow, the Nous (the consciousness of your Soul) is always trying to influence your physical life on This Side Of Existence, and that is why you always feel impulses to "be yourself" and go for what will be fulfilling in your life. In your life, you are trying to express something, and that Something is coming to you through your Nous. If you tune into it, like a dial on a radio, it will always be your guide and steer you in the right direction.
But it's communication with you cannot be interpreted in word-images. It can only be interpreted in the kinds of indescribable Glimpses we used to talk about.
However, these millisecond glimpses, which come to you every day, will communicate volumes about your life and direction - and about Who You Are - if you make the Nous a part of your everyday life. To do that, you merely focus inward. This does not shut down your interaction with the world, but it just changes the emphasis from an Exoteric (outward or material sense reality) to an Esoteric one (inward, non material reality focused on The Real You).
Well, anyway, this is all stuff that your intuition tells you, but Schwaller wants to dissect the fine points.....
I also saw your post, via another FB friend, about his upcoming wedding. As you know, the only thing I can say about that is that I Am Very Much In Favor Of Weddings. :):)
And that's all I really know for this evening!
I will see you in the morning. Glad that everything seems to be going well.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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