Hi, Elizabeth,
Happy Friday Night. So, um....er.....hehe.......ridiculous, eh? :) I am of course referring to your post by Joel Wanasek, and I assume you posted it in response to my video because it appeared on FB shortly thereafter.
And as I noted myself, the vid was of less-than-stellar quality and camerawork, so perhaps you were agreeing with me, lol. In many respects, it is a ridiculous little video. :)
But I had been wanting to upload something, just to get my hoped-for video outlet jump started, and I had read other folks remedies for crummy FB video resolution, and many said "upload to Youtube first, then transfer to FB", so I figured I'd try that. It took forever to upload on Youtube; over an hour for a 3 1/2 minute video. I suppose there is something I'm still not doing right, but I'll figure it out by trial and error as I always do. As for video quality (sharpness especially), well, it's just my little Panasonic, but I am thinking I should probably go back to Best Buy and get an "Ultra" SCHD card as I've used in the past, or maybe just get whatever the newest one is.
But yeah, it's a crummy video. The real problem is the separation of shots on a memory card. As I said yesterday, in the old tape formats, everything you shot ran together to make one continuous video, no matter how many stops and starts. Now though, with the memory card, every "stop" and "start" is recorded as a separate entity, and I am guessing that unless you have editing software, or perhaps a camera that does all that stuff, then you have no way to connect all your short snippets and make them into a storytelling video. So with my little cam, I have no way to capture the entire experience of a place like Aliso Canyon. All I can do is just pick one location, turn the camera on, and walk around while panning it for a few minutes. All I can get that way is whatever is in the vicinity of the one shot, and I figure that people's attention spans on FB won't last longer than a couple minutes for a video like mine. I mean, my stuff (even my still photos) don't get many hits or "likes", and I don't really care about that, but if I am gonna do videos of hikes and other stuff (locales like Reseda and Northridge, maybe Hollywood too), then I wanna be able to do a "travelogue" with connected takes that tell a story, rather than just one long panning take at a single location.
So, I will figure out how to do that. It will probably take me a while, due to my lack of patience with learning new tech stuff. But I want to have fun with it, and eventually get an SLR, and I figure - hey - if everybody in the known world can seemingly upload fairly hi-def stuff from their phones, then it can't be too hard. :)
Well, it was fun anyway, even if ridiculous. Making a real video is all in the editing. I learned that back in 1994 when I shot 40 hours (!) of stuff back at the Northridge Meadows collapsed apartment and other earthquake environs in the area, and then had to edit it down to 120 minutes, which, looking back, was too long. I should've made it about 75 or 80 minutes, but it's hard to make the cuts when you yourself have shot all the footage. You always wanna include everything.
But yeah, I learned video editing from scratch, on old analog equipment, and it was quite a trip to form something watchable, and fairly smooth looking, out of all that footage.
But now - holy smokes! - just picking up my point-and-shoot and "quick panning" a one take three minute video, after 20 years of not shooting same.......well I've gotta do it better next time, haha.
Anyhow, I hope your day was good and that everything is okay. I say that only because you haven't posted much in the past week, and your latest cover song - while absolutely brilliant - did have lyrics of a certain nature.......
Well, anyway, I'm trying. :)
Maybe I will write about some more movies or make another list. I am always just trying to start a conversation because I find the world a fascinating place. :)
I will see you in the morn. Post if you want to. I Love You.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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