Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dreamhouse Video Is Excellent + Something In Common

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

Okay, it must be said first thing : The Dreamhouse video is fantastic! Not only does it have a great look to it - color saturation & lighting - but you did your typically excellent job with the editing, put a ton of stuff in there. So many different things, little things like changing angles and close ups, and most of all, you got the really cool day-to-day stuff in there, like riding in the van, or the band signing shirts at the merch table, and best of all the goofing with the shopping carts in the parking lot.

That is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about when I mentioned the idea of documenting all the "road life" of the band in a photojournalistic way. You packed a lot of imagery into that video, Elizabeth, and it all goes with the driving pulse of the song. You nailed it!  :)

Huge congrats, as always.  :)  And the band is gonna love it.

A Tuesday Golden Agers day for me, so again no hike, but just reading and guitar playing in between car trips, and tonight I watched more of "11/22/63".

I only saw one post today, but it was my favorite kind of post, about love. A couple getting engaged.

I guess you like those kinds of posts, too, Sweet Baby.

That means we have something in common : we both like the idea of engagement.  :):)

Pretty cool, eh?

Well, I'll leave it at that for tonight. It was an inspiring post, however.  :)

I Love You and will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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