Happy Late Night, my Darling,
That was a great post this morning, of the guy with the sign that said "I Love My Job". That says it all, I think, and if you love your job (and I'm sure that you do) then that makes me happy. :) You are so good at it, a natural really, and you are following your bliss as they say, and this is the way it was meant to be. People should be happy in life, or at least strive for happiness, and when you love what you do for a living, that's a big part of the equation right there. :)
Well, because of the nature of my job - which I am both fortunate and grateful to have - I am very tired tonight. I know I say that a lot, but it's become more common of late because Pearl's hours get turned around. She can be awake much of the night and sleep during the day, and when that happens, then my hours are turned around too. I can cope with it pretty well because I keep in shape, and I still get a ton of stuff done in my free time by maintaining a schedule and adhering to strict time management. Still, it adds up and I get tired at this time of night. Therefore, tonight I will not be examining 1989 in any depth, though I will return to it tomorrow.
For tonight, I will just add one small, strange tidbit. Before I add it, I will provide a disclaimer about a man I will call BC. In my book I named him over and over again, as he is a main protaganist; he is the "famous man" I have referred to in these recent blogs. My disclaimer is that I realise how off-the-wall it sounds when I mention him. It sounds ridiculous, like a typical "paranoid conspiracy theory". I know that as well as anyone.
But the only problem in my case is that it is 100% true. If I took a polygraph, I'd pass.
In my book, I relate that believability, per se, is not what I'm after. My bottom line is telling what happened to me, regardless of whether anyone believes it or not. But it's true, and that's why I need to tell it, and anyone who knows me also knows that I am not a paranoid conspiracy nut.
Just a Truth Nut, that's all. And in my favor, in this particular case, is that no one will even stand up to tell me I am wrong. I was called crazy, years ago, but no one has said anything at all for the past decade, since I wrote my book.
That is my disclaimer, concerning BC. I know how crazy it sounds that he was there, but......
He was there. He was in charge of the entire situation, and others could testify to this as well if they were so inclined.
So, now the Tidbit. It's just a minor detail, but when I first encountered him, at the end of the Rappaport situation, he knew me by name.
He talked to me just as you've heard him on TV, in that friendly way as if he knows you personally. In this case it was more specific, and more intense (and his temper against bad guys is a whole 'nuther story), but what I noticed, in retrospect, was that he called me "Adam".
My first name is James.
The only people who call me Adam (my middle name) are people who know me personally, and they call me that because "Adam" is really my name, if a name is what you are known by.
The only people who call me James are people who do not know me personally. I like my first name just fine, but I have been called Adam since I was born, or at least since I can remember.
At the time, BC was not President Of The United States. In 1989, he was just the "Governor Of Arkansas", whatever that means in context of other things he might have been, other jobs he might have had, other hidden positions he might have held.
This is important to mention, because in 1989, nobody outside Arkansas really had ever heard of BC. He was not yet a national figure.
But you can be sure he was known in Washington. He was said to have been recruited right out of college by the CIA, and in Arkansas, when he was Governor, there was the infamous Mena Airport cocaine trafficking operation, run by the CIA. George Bush The First, who was President in 1989, was once a CIA director.
At any rate, what I am saying is that, when I first encountered him - and I only "remember it back" in memory because of the amnesia I suffered - I did not know who he was. What I do remember is that he was very personable, like he was your best friend who had known you all your life.
And he talked to me that way, as if he had known me all his life.
And he called me "Adam" instead of "James".
If he had only heard about me from a crime report taken from that evening, he would have called me "James", the first name on my ID.
But he called me "Adam".
I didn't introduce myself. I was way too out of it to have done that.
So I figure that the only way he could have known that I was called "Adam" is if somebody else told him.
Somebody who knew me personally.
But who? ////
That's all for tonight, SB. See you in the morn. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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