Happy Late Night, my Darling,
I hope you had a nice day and a good start to your week. I had to do a double take a little while ago upon seeing your post via Sarah. It's like she's invented her own version of the English language, lol, though after reading her words a couple of times I can see they are actually pretty precise. I think she is talking about judging people by their looks? Well anyway, that was an imaginative way to say it, and I like what she says at the end about creating art.
I had a good day. No hikes, just shopping, and we had weird, monsoon-like weather (95 degrees, overcast and humid) which even brought a bit of rain this afternoon. Tonight I watched the first part of a mini-series called "11/22/63" which you've probably heard of. I think it was produced by Showtime, maybe last year? Anyway, it's adapted from Stephen King's tremendous book of the same name, which I of course read when it came out in 2011. It's one of his best books, and from the first episode of the show I will say that they've done an excellent job so far, especially in the art direction, which in this case means the "period look" of 1960. They've got it detailed down to a T. The casting is just right as well, with James Franco and Chris Cooper in the lead roles. It is ostensibly about the JFK assassination (hence the numerical title), but in this case - because it's Stephen King - there is a supernatural aspect : Time Travel.
Most of all, they are finally doing SK right by devoting enough time to telling one of his major stories on film. His books are often over 500 pages and in the case of "11/22/63", over 800 pages. That's one reason why so many film and tv versions of his books have been lackluster, or outright failures, because you can't fit them into a two hour format. Showtime did it right, though. This one is almost 8 hours long, broken into eight episodes, plenty of time to tell the full story without rushing it. And it is great so far.
I saw one other post, the cartoon about the gun-toting Texas "Christian" vs. the Muslim Extremist. I have to say I agreed with the irony in everything they said to one another, and it is easy to see they are two sides of the same coin.
I only wish that someday, maybe soon, that the American idea of "Christianity" will not be represented by a gun-toting Texas redneck or any other caricature. I mean, I can certainly see why it is represented that way in what I will call the left wing psyche. It is because those so-called "Christians" make all the noise, with the handful of issues they are vehement about (gun rights, abortion, Republican politics). Over the years of my life, I have become somewhat more tolerant of the views of that side. I am not in favor of abortion (and I don't think anyone is) but I believe it should still be a final option, to be used, hopefully in the future, only in rare cases. But I see the intolerance and lack of analysis inherent in the "Caricature Christian" position. The same is true for my position on gun rights. While I personally detest guns, and would not want to own one myself, I can understand why some people would. That particular issue comes down to fear. It used to be that, perhaps if you lived in a bad neighborhood, or in a rural area far from police protection, you might feel the need to have a gun. But these days, largely because of the TV news focus on violence, many people have become paranoid. That is what is depicted in that cartoon, two paranoid men of different cultures (neither of whom have ever intellectually reasoned out their philosophies) who have more in common than they have differences, and both mitigate their paranoia by standing behind a gun for "protection".
I recently read an excellent book by Dr. Farrell and his co-author Dr. Scott deHart. It is called "Yahweh : The Two Faced God". In short, it is an expose about a so-called "God" named Yahweh. Yahweh is exposed in The Book Of Exodus in the Old Testament as a vengeful, threatening character who does terrible things to the people of Israel and Egypt. Terrible things, like having all the first born babies killed.
I had never read The Book Of Exodus before I read Dr. Joe's book (he is an Eastern Orthodox Christian), and for most of my life I have never been a Bible person to begin with. I have never had it in me to believe that stories in a book were the meaning, prophecy and law of life. As you know, I do analyse everything I come into contact with, back and forth and back again. It's just my nature; to question, to seek truth.
And I have never found any "words to live by" in what I've heard from the Old Testament. Now, it may have historical value. I don't know. But after reading "Yahweh: The Two Faced God", I can tell you that I don't believe in Yahweh. Yahweh may have been a real character alive at that time, and may have been a non-human giant (Nephilim) or some similar creature, who because of his physical stature could threaten the populace.
But he was not the God that has created all you can see. Who created the planets, the sky, the fire and water, the mountains, the oceans, the plants and animals, the Music and Art, and all the beautiful thoughts we have. The God that Created The Love.
Yahweh is not that God, not hardly.
But because many ill-informed "Christians" are programmed to adhere strictly to every word in the Old Testament, they do believe in a false God called Yahweh.
That's why it is my hope that this media representation of "Christianity" will be replaced soon by something more thoughtful, which is a contemplation of the words of Jesus Christ.
Just his words and actions.
Jesus never mentions Yahweh, but he does tell people to beware of false Gods.
As a kid, I was raised in Sunday school, and in the Episcopal church, til I was nine years old.
But one thing I never, ever understood - never! - was when people described "Christians" as "God-fearing".
What I could feel, in my soul, since I was old enough to think and feel, was that God was loving.
That is why I say Life Is Magic, because all I have to do, each and every day, is look around at the sky, and the mountains, and the plants, animals, etc........and even the Humans too (especially the Humans), to know that God is Love.
Some humans don't get this, which is why we have a false presentation of a "God" named Yahweh, and an adherence to The Old Testament, which Jesus rebuked.
Jesus said that we only need two commandments.
"Love Him, and Love One Another". Pretty simple, no gun pointing involved.
Anyway, that's my rambling point of view on the subject.
I don't call myself a "Christian", btw. I don't call myself anything, because a label is a finite definition and I am not finite. I generally keep my religious and spiritual beliefs to myself (or I share them with you). But if somebody asks me, what do you believe in, or do you believe in God, I will say, "I believe in Jesus Christ".
And that is because His words and deeds are the ones that have always felt right to me in my soul.
That is why I hope one day people will come to see "Christianity" as a representation of the life of Jesus Christ, and not of some Old Testament False and Violent "God" named Yahweh.
That's all for tonight, Sweet Baby. Sorry for the tirade, and again, I agree with everything in that cartoon. It's just that I want to change the image. :)
Most of all, I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
I will see you in the morn. :)
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