Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I loved the pic, via Jane Love, of the model covered in a Spider Web! I just saw it a few minutes ago, and of course I have a soft spot for spider webs as you know. So that was absolutely perfect. :)
I am also thrilled for you and your bands. I saw two posts, one regarding The Fine Constant where Steve said that something "sick" just happened for them. "Sick" meaning "Totally Bitchin" in today's terminology, haha. But that's fantastic for those guys, whatever the news is, and also I saw James' Versus Me post about the chart positions of their new song. I looked at the chart and they are right up there next to bands like Black Sabbath and Ghost. That's beyond cool! And both bands are your bands, SB. I know I keep saying it every night, but it just makes me very, very happy how well things are going, for you and for your bands. Congratulations are reiterated to everyone involved, and remember......Life Is Magic.
Somebody once said that a while back..... :)
Today was Tuesday, which meant Golden Agers and shopping rather than a hike, but it was a beautiful day all the same. Tonight I watched "The Walking Dead". I am up to Episode Seven of Season Six, and the writing is getting a bit better thank goodness, so I won't throw in the towel just yet.....
I am still working on the amnesia angle regarding 1989, and it is significant that while I have no proof of anything I have said, in any of my recollected testimonies, that it is the amnesia itself that provides powerful evidence that Something Incredibly Weird Happened. Of course, I have always given my word of honor that the weird stuff is true as well (and it is), but when looking at the amnesia, it is instructive to return to the initial event at the apartment building. We will refer to it simply as a "domestic dispute" and leave it at that, even though a few other individuals were involved besides those in the dispute.
First let us say that, though some of the Weirder Aspects of 1989 would be difficult to verify without the help of specific government officials who were present, or without the corroborative testimony of many who were witness to these events as well, it would be much easier to verify the actuality of the initial event. The initial event was not weird, per se, at least as it began. It was a "domestic dispute", which as it wore on included the arrival at the door of the apartment of two street thugs, who showed up to threaten me and others inside. In retrospect after much detective work, this indicated that some type of drug dealing was involved, though not with me.
At any rate, the Initial Event is the only memory in the 12 Days of What Happened that exists for me in real time. By that I mean that the memory has continuity. It has a "before" and an "after", and it exists in my mind in a memory stream just like the everyday memories of ordinary life. Think of what you did today, and put everything you did in order and remember it. That is what I am talking about. The past is not "what is happening" but rather "What Happened". And when you can recall old memories in a stream, with continuity, then you can remember them realistically, in real time. In that way, they don't "seem like a dream".
So therefore, the initial event exists as the most "real-time" memory in all of What Happened. It is also the most "ordinary" event in that there was nothing out of the ordinary involved, at least at first. But even up to the end of that first night, despite the arrival of the thugs, and the attack by Howard Schaller at Northridge Hospital, and even the arrival and participation of Mary (you know who I mean), there was still nothing so out of the ordinary to be called truly beyond weird. Truly Beyond Weird came later.
So my point is that, though I cannot prove the actuality of the Weirder Events (besides my own testimony) the Initial Event is entirely provable. All you would have to do would be to gather the principles in a court of law, subject them to polygraph tests and have them swear under oath. You could round up other witnesses such as the apartment manager, if you could track her down, which wouldn't be that difficult in this modern age. If you did all this, you would have proof way beyond a reasonable doubt that the Initial Event did indeed happen. And of course everybody knows it did. Not just the principles, but also all of my friends. Gossip travels fast, and where gossip is concerned - especially gossip that is dangerous to the gossipers - so is such gossip kept secret at all costs. But that doesn't mean they don't know the truth, because of course they do.
So, even though it will never happen now, a court of law would have proved the Initial Event with ease back in 1989, at the time it happened
And here's the important point. If that was all that had happened, just the "domestic dispute", then the court of law would have dealt out punishment, most likely some community service and probation, maybe a couple days in jail for whomever.
And if I had amnesia, because of being stun gunned, then it would have been normal - if all that had happened was the Initial Event - for me to wake up in the hospital, or at home, and then for people to tell me what had happened.
"Ad, you are in the hospital. Last night you were involved in a domestic dispute".
And that would have ended the amnesia right away. Short term amnesia, the type a person in an accident might experience. When a person is in an accident, or a fight, and they wake up in the hospital unable to recall what happened, their friends and family and doctors and maybe even policemen are there to tell them what happened to them.
"You were in an accident" or "You were in a fight"......"Don't you remember what happened last night"?
That would be a normal set of circumstances concerning a person's amnesia who had been injured in a domestic dispute such as the one I was in. It would ordinarily be a police matter, and the injured person would wake up in a hospital being informed of what had happened to him. Then his brief amnesia would be over.
But my amnesia lasted four years. Nobody ever told me about what happened at the apartment building, and I did not remember it myself until October 1993.
My question is this : if nothing else happened besides the Initial Event at the apartment building, then why the four year amnesia? Why did nobody tell me, "hey Ad, you were injured last night at the apartment house"?
"You don't remember it, but that's what happened to you. But you are okay, so no worries"
That's what would have happened, if the Initial Event was all that happened.
If no Weird Stuff followed, like kidnapping, and ex-neighbors and Wilbur Wash and 12 Days Worth.
That's why the amnesia lasted four years.
And nobody told me because they were either too scared or they had induced amnesia too.
It's that simple, and that true. //////
That's all for tonight. See you in the morning. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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