Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a nice day as always. I see that the band in the "rabbit ears" picture from yesterday is Stitched Up Heart. I know you shot pix at one of their shows a couple months ago, so now maybe they are another "roster" band for you, like Versus Me, Fall II Rise and others. I saw a couple posts today, having to do with music, one having something to do with "yellowcard", but I'm unhip, SB, and I don't know what that is... :)
It seems like everything is going well, so that's great.
No hike today cause I had too many errands to run, but I did watch a "Walking Dead" this evening. My job, and my life, is very 24/7 and cyclical as noted many times, but I do pack a lot of stuff into each day nevertheless, and when I am not out and about, reading and guitar are my "constants".
I am mega-tired tonight, but I will begin my examination of last night's described event, in which a Person I Know To This Day drove up in his car following The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors and approached me as I was standing on the corner in front of our house at 9032 Rathburn Avenue. He was carrying a gym bag. The details of this event are in last night's blog, of course, so I shall not repeat them now.
But the first and most obvious thing I want to examine is the absolutely bizarre nature of his action.
In the midst of a twelve day siege of violence, during which I could have died several times, during which I was kidnapped by a crazy man, and immediately following a violent assault on my parents (on my front lawn right next to the street corner), this person drove up, and asked me, in my state of shock, to "please go along" with his planned act of simulated violence.
Simulated violence. I mean, it was still psychologically violent, to do what he did, and it scared me because I had no idea what he was doing or why. And I had been subjected to so much violence already.
But in looking back and examining what he did, it was, comparatively at least, simulated violence.
It felt like a ritual, or part of a show.
He told me it was something he "had to do" or else "they" were gonna "kill" him.
I have wondered since this memory first came back if, by "kill him", he meant that as simulated also, that "they" (whoever "they are, as always), were gonna "kill" him as in a game of paintball or some form of play acting.
Everything else that occurred during the overall larger event of What Happened In Northridge - every event in the 12 day span - involved real violence. My kidnapping was the worst of all, and in no way could it be construed as play acting.
I mention this because we see, in reading about modern high-tech military drills, that there are "realistic" simulations sometimes used - so called "real life" war game scenarios - in which the violence of war is "acted out" and yet so realistically that there is no difference, except for casualties.
In a recent example of this (not military but police), a "live shooter" scenario was enacted at an (I believe) Florida police department location. Civilian volunteers were asked for from the audience, to portray hostages and such. And a local woman was killed - shot to death by a police officer - while she "played a hostage" or some type of "character" in the violent scenario that was being acted out. The officer's gun was "supposed" to have contained blank rounds, but......well, that's how things seem to be going in America nowdays.
I digress, but anyhow, this was the first, and only, act of violence against me during the entirety of What Happened In Northridge that was simulated.
And, it was also ordered by someone. Someone referred to as "They" by the person who committed the action. He said "They" were gonna kill him if he didn't do it to me. And he seemed scared himself, and very serious, very determined to get it done, to get me to go along with it.
So, for tonight, we have to ask : who are "They" ? We really only have two potential sets of bad guys in The Overall Scenario. On one hand, we have several drug dealers, and the Person In Question who committed the act of simulated violence was at that time dealing cocaine, and had a connection to higher level drug dealers, including a violent sociopath named Gary Patterson, who in turn had even higher connections to Hollywood drug kingpins. Guys who were real killers, like Eddie Nash. But I don't think the drug aspect reached that high, in our case.
The other potential set of bad guys, at least as far as the criminals were concerned, was the members of whatever agencies of the Federal government were on scene, including the very famous man who was in charge. That man, and his agents (and soldiers), scared the bejeesus out of the people on the drug side, as far as I could see.
If I had to guess the identity of the "they" inferred by my friend's plea, when he asked me to "just go along with" his deed to shoot me in the head with a starter pistol, I would guess he meant the Feds. Because he knew Gary Patterson, and guys like Gary Patterson didn't deal in simulated violence. For one thing, they weren't imaginative enough to conceive of such a strange plan.
No, my friend was scared too. Plenty scared.
And he was caught in the middle of some game, created with seemingly "playground rules", by a very powerful group of people. People who can Orchestrate Things, Make Things Happen.
My friend's violence against me was simulated, as in a "scenario".
So who directed the scenario, and why? /////
That's all for tonight. I will see you in the morning, SB.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxo :):)
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