Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I don't know if you are still in Milwaukee or back home, but I hope you had a good day either way. I saw your post this morning that they played an I Prevail song before the Detroit Lions game. That is awesome! Your bands are getting major exposure lately. Super duper cool, and also I've gotta say "wow" (because as you know sometimes that's all you can say). :)
I had a good day myself, though busy. I woke up late and had to really hustle to make it to church on time, but we did, and we sang a good rendition of "Ride On King Jesus" (or you can call it "Right On, King Jesus" if you want to....). After choir practice I drove out to Burbank to take my sister shopping. It was well over 100 degrees, and she didn't do too well in the heat, so I don't think we'll try that again, although it should be cooler next time I see her. Anyhow, when I finished with Sophie I drove straight back to Pearl's by 4:30, so that was my day until evening. I got to listen to the Rams game during my drive. It was their first regular season game in the Coliseum since 1980, and they had 90,000 fans there. Best of all, the Rams stuck it to the Seahawks and made up for last week's debacle. Yeah.....sports, SB. But I am a lifelong Rams fan. :)
No movie tonight, just an episode of "One Step Beyond, then I worked on my September drawing while listening to a cd called "Vienna 1709" by soprano Hana Blazikova, who has one of the greatest voices I've ever heard.
Well, last night I mentioned, in regards to 1989, that Mr. Rappaport knew my name just as "BC" had. Though I'd never met him prior to when he came to my door that terrible night, he somehow knew my name, "Adam", even though it is my middle name. And during the time I was in his psychotic presence, he called me by name, over and over. So again, someone who knew me had to have told him my name.
Mr. Rappaport had a vendetta against me and it was almost childlike in it's apparent resentment of jealousy. On a side note, I have mentioned his distinctive high, whiny voice. Though he is a big man, certainly bigger than me, he has a child's voice, and it was very pronounced in his anger toward me. Petulant is the word to describe it.
One thing he said in one of his rants was very interesting, and I wrote about this in my book. He got all worked up and told me that "everybody" hated me. The impetus for his rage was that I had apparently messed something up for him, and for others, some plan he had for the Labor Day weekend. I wrote about it in my book, so I won't go into it now, but his exact quote was : "It's 'Hate Adam Week' ......everybody's gonna 'Hate Adam"!
He was almost manic as he said this, very worked up and agitated.
A couple of things are evident here, besides the fact that he knew my name. The first thing is his use of the word "everybody". That is who is "going to hate me".
Who does he mean by everybody?
Does he even mean fellow CSUN professors Ray Tippo and Eugene Carpenter, who participated later on that week in The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors?
Perhaps, but also perhaps not. I have no idea, really. The ex-neighbors did not live on our street any longer, for over a decade, so the only way he could have known them was through CSUN, and I am not sure Eugene Carpenter was still a professor there in 1989, though Ray Tippo was.
The other thing that is evident was his use of the word "week".
He said, "It's 'Hate Adam Week".
That indicates that he knew of an ongoing vendetta against me . Something that was lasting, or was gonna last all "week".
Something that had been organised. This possibility of an organised, behind-the-scenes vendetta by people who resented me and/or my parents is something we have been exploring in these recent blogs about 1989.
Jared Rappaport, during one of his psychotic tirades, went on to reveal that he knew more personal details about me. The most important to him, the one that seemed to really piss him off and add to his sense of righteousness, was the fact that I had not - at the time - had a history of steady employment. There is no doubt that in my 20s, I was not employed for most of that decade.
Usually, that would seem to be the business of the unemployed individual and perhaps his family and those closest to him, if indeed his unemployment was causing them problems as well as for himself.
I have never heard of a situation in which an individual's unemployment caused a problem for his neighbor, and one so difficult that it enraged the neighbor to kidnap him.
But that was one of Jared's rationales for what he was doing to me.
I "didn't work", in his words, and I had messed up his plans for that weekend, so according to him I was getting everything I deserved, even though he'd never met me before.
He'd never met me, and yet he seemed to know a lot about me. And, he was enraged against me.
And he said that "everyone" else was, too.
"Everyone is gonna hate Adam".
"It's 'Hate Adam Week' ".
In addition to whatever else was going on, with drug deals and other "situations", it is clear that some "behind-the-scenes" vendetta was arranged against me, by nosy people in the neighborhood who didn't like me because I "didn't work".
Now, there are nosy people in every neighborhood all over the world. There is gossip. I participate in it myself, though I hope to a lesser degree than that which is poisonous. But even those who do participate in such a poisonous, meaning hateful, degree of gossip generally do not act out their hate.
But Jared Rappaport did. He could not control his anger toward me, or which he directed toward me (because I never knew him and had done nothing to him), and that is called "transference" or "projection".
"Projection" is often engaged in by someone who is feeling fearful or anxious or guilty about something they have done, and by projecting their anger to another person, they hope to transfer the guilt or anxiety to that person.
Jared Rappaport was, and is, as sick as they come. He should have been locked up long ago.
But in his statement that he made to me while I was his prisoner : "It's 'Hate Adam Week', everyone's gonna hate Adam' ", he revealed not only his own anger and anxiety, but that of others who "hated" me, simply because I had inadvertently interrupted their weekend plans.
In Rappaport's case, he may have been aware of the overall situation as it had unfolded before he came to my house to kidnap me. He may have been aware of drug deals, and though I doubt he'd have known Howard Schaller, he may have been aware of what happened in the parking lot at Northridge Hospital.
Still, I think by "everybody" - the people who were gonna "hate" me - he meant people in the neighborhood, too. And also people I knew, and know.
In May of 1989, a close friend of my brother's was making a student film at 9032 (our house). I believe he may have met Jared Rappaport during that film shoot, and I believe that because I am certain that he was inside Rappaport's house toward the end of my ordeal there. He is a guy with secrets to hide. Not a bad guy, per se, but he would have been a gullible guy back then, and succeptible to the persuasions of a psychopath.
"Hey....are you guys shooting a movie"?
"Yeah, it's a student film. It's my Final for UCLA Film School".
"Oh really? Wow, that's a coincidence, because I teach film here at CSUN".
Oh wow. Okay. Yeah, that is a coincidence".
"My name's Jared. I just moved here next door a few months ago. Do you live here"?
"No. This is my friend's house. I'm just using it for my movie".
I think that was my brother's friend's introduction to Jared Rappaport. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am, and I detail it in my book. If I am wrong, I am not far off. Somebody in that film party met the "new neighbor" Rappaport, who then ingratiated himself into their lives, and manipulated them into his "games".
He was older, more "sophisticated", and he was a psychopath who can put on masks.
And that Summer, in 1989, I believe he enticed my brother's friend, and through that guy he enticed others, into playing his games. Enticed or tricked.
I could be wrong, but there has to be some reason Jared Rappaport was so extremely angry at me. I didn't know anything about whatever he was up to, but apparently I'd disrupted it. And he was mad enough to kidnap me, and torture me, so that he could make me pay.
And there you have it. /////
See you in the morn. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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