Good Morning, Sweet Baby,
I hope your day is off to a good start. I am feeling better yet again, getting my energy back, and I'm very happy about that! I am at home, having dropped Pearl off at her crafts group. After I pick her up at 1pm, I have to take her car over to the mechanic. I think it needs a brake job, new pads probably, cause it makes an awful grinding noise when you apply the brakes. So, I will do that, and assuming he takes me right away, I will walk back to Pearl's (about 1.75 miles) and get my car. Then I'll come back here. I'm still not gonna do a ton of stuff today. Not till I'm 100%, but I'm getting there.
I see you like Amelie. I watched it with my Mom when it came out and we both loved it. Audrey Tautou was so great in that role...
Well, I am just gonna hang around until 12:45, then go get Pearl. After that, I should be back here by 2:30 at the latest after the car thing is done.
Have an awesome afternoon! I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
5:40pm : Hey, my Darling. I am at Pearl's, the car is fixed. I'm feeling pretty good, actually walked 3 1/2 miles round trip to go home and then go back to the shop to pick it up. Anyway, I wanted to remind you to look for the Black Moon tonight. I don't know what one looks like, lol, because I've never seen one before (never heard of one, either, except in poetry or song), but I will look for it too in a little while.
I Love You and I'll be back when I get home. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
7:30pm : I am home. Some clown, probably from CSUN or the building next door, is parked in my spot, so I had to drive around the block and was lucky to find a place on the street by the Methodist Church. Ticks me off! So, I came back and just now put a note on the car : "Don't park in my spot. Next time you will be towed"! Knucklehead........
I think Pearl has what I had, because she's been sleeping on and off most of the afternoon since I brought her back from crafts. She didn't want dinner (I didn't eat all day Monday) and just before I left, she complained of being cold even though the thermostat read 75 degrees. The same thing happened to me. I asked her if she felt sick and she said no, but sometimes older people either don't realise they are coming down with something, or just deny it, perhaps. My Dad used to do that. You could tell he clearly didn't feel good for one reason or another, and you'd ask, "Are you okay, Dad"? "Sure, never felt better in my life".
But you can always tell, and with Pearl, I'm sure she's got the same bug. So, I am probably just gonna go to the store to get a few items and then head back over. I don't wanna leave her alone too long.
I Googled the Black Moon and found out that you can't see it! That's the funny thing, haha. But I'm gonna look anyway, maybe if you look for a minute or two your eyes will adjust. It's worth a try.... :)
Well, Sweet Baby, I will see you in a bit, back at Pearl's. We've gotta get everybody well again, and kicking booty! Screw the flu! :)
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
11:35pm : Happy Late Night, my Darling. I like your post a few minutes ago from Justin, because that kind of book is my kind of book. I love old books! I actually collect 'em (as I may have said) and I'm getting to the point where I am "booking" myself out of my apartment, lol. I think I love old books so much because I was exposed to my parents' collection when I was little, like Dad's copy of "They Wrote On Clay", or "Ur Of The Chaldees". Or all his Van Loon books. He also had a copy, from the 1930s probably, of a book of Emily Dickinson's poetry, and I know I mentioned that to you back in the Oviatt Library/Myspace days. So that's what I was looking at as a five year old, a living room full of old books, and what I liked to do was to just pull a book off the shelf, especially when I got a little older, and just open it to any page.
It didn't matter which book, or which page. Just to be looking through, turning pages, and reading words from old books made me feel like I was receiving something. Receiving something being passed down, through pages I could touch, and turn.
I have loved books my whole life, and there is something about old know, I am not sure what it is. It has something to do with what Stephen King talked about, about words on a printed page having a direct impact on the brain, because they are being held close to the eye, and are being concentrated on, hopefully to the exclusion of all other sensory input.
So, if you are an introspective person, or a curious person - and you know none of this when you're a child, you only know you're You - you may have discovered books as the most mysterious sources of magic and pleasure.
Sounds nerdy, right? Not hardly. It's actually a supercool secret, that reading goes directly from the page, held close to the eye, right into the mind that is focusing on it. Those who read, learn.
But even beyond that, when you find an old book that interests you - which I now seek out at used book sales - it's like you are receiving a message in a bottle from the past. It's interesting to note, or to imagine, the writer now in the other world, the next world, and wondering if anyone still cares about his or her work. And there you are, reading an old book of theirs. It's awesome, I think.
The book I most remember is my Dad's first Webster's Dictionary. It was probably from the 1920s, and in the preface pages it had thumbnail pictures of all the editors and scholars who had contributed to it. It was a huge volume, as dictionaries are, and there were a lot of contributors. In this case, they all looked very serious, and if you've ever seen a yearbook from that era, you know that, back then, even the 30 year olds looked like they were pushing 60. No kidding. It was all in the damped down grooming, the dress, and the serious expressions. You knew they were young, but they looked old. Not in health, necessarily, but maybe in knowledge.
That's what it felt like to a five year old kid, taking his Dad's dictionary off the shelf when no one was around.
"Man.....those are some serious looking people"!
That dictionary, that old Websters from about 100 years ago now, was what really got me into old books. You could see the people who wrote it, and it was like they were looking at you, reading it.
I still have that book on my shelf. If you have any old books in your house, or have any relatives that have any that they don't want, look for some that might interest you. One of my greatest Small Pleasures to this day - and small pleasures are really the largest, as we know - is to just pick a random old book off the shelf, maybe on Egyptology, or Louis XIV (Dad's subjects), and just thumb through it. Read a page here, a paragraph..........maybe even the whole book......
and absorb some magic, passed down through time, from the printed page.
I Love You, Sweet Baby! I will see you in the morn, Sweet Dreams until then. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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