Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Too Green (Good Pics!) (1998)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I am home. While Pearl was at her Women's Club meeting, I drove out to Walker Ranch, one of my favorite places as you know. Didn't go on a super long hike, just about a mile each way. It's beautiful out there, and very green, but the trouble is - photography-wise, for me anyway - that all the green kind of homogenizes everything, like throwing a big green blanket over all the things that give the place it's character. You see, if there were a lot of other colors, to mix in with the green, like wildflowers, then it would be more fun to photograph. I did take a few shots. I wasn't thrilled with the results, but I'll probably post one at Flickr.

I know I'm goofy, but I liked the place better when it was parched, cause then it was more ghostly. But, it should be nice and parched by Summer, and all that green will turn gold again, and the Sunshine Ghosts will come back in the 100 degree heat. It was about 85 today, lo and behold, in February.......

I like the picture of the girl in the trees, "Stories From The Frozen Marsh". Now that's nice and ghostly. she wearing a wedding dress by any chance? Looks like she could be.  :):)

I also like the artificial sunlight pic. You sure could've fooled me! Really weird, but who knows what it could be used for in the future? Bringing sunlight to places where the was none. Very far out.

I got almost half of my mileage done at Walker, so I am just gonna hang out until it's time to go back to Pearl's. I will check in there. I Love You, my Awesome Lady!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50 : Hey, Sweet Baby, home from Pearl's once again. I like the pictures you posted over at Flickr. It looks like they were all taken while you were in Italy, and they show a nice variety of styles. Boy, that is some lens on your camera. Your self portrait is crystal clear, and all the tones are excellent. Glad to see you posting photos over there once again (and on FB too). I did not wind up posting any of today's pics cause I just wasn't happy with them, but I will shoot more soon, and I have actually started hiking earlier than I did last year (late March), so that's pretty cool too.....

I will be here most of the eve except for the second half of my walk. Then back to Pearl's at 9:45.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Happy Late Night. Kinda tired tonight, but I am hanging in there. Been reading my book, "Where Did The Towers Go"?, and it is a real mindblower. Something interesting to note is that when I first got on the Internet, in 1998, the very first thing I did, after getting an email account, was that I started to write about what happened. At that point, my memories had come back full force and I had to tell somebody about it. I'd tried to tell my family and friends, some of whom had been involved, but no one wanted to talk about it, and that aspect alone would warrant a book if the entire subject were ever to be thoroughly examined.

So, I went to the Internet, which was brand new to me at the time. I found an X-Files newsgroup, I think it may have been an official site as that series was still on the air at the time, and I started to write about what had happened to me. In my posts, I addressed them all to "Mr. Carter", meaning Chris Carter, the creator of the X-Files. I was very adamant at the time about my story being heard.

I was writing about stuff like "ULF" waves (ultra low frequency sound waves) and something I called a "backpack weapon", that shot what looked like a white florescent beam with circles around it. I called it "donuts on a rope".

In my memories, which were visceral (felt emotionally as well as mentally), I had witnessed such a weapon being used, and had you been on Myspace in 2006, you could have read all about it in the blogs that constituted the first draft of my book.

My point in recounting it now, is firstly that the memory I wrote about was very detailed, a full story. But most importantly - because we have been talking about science, and memory, and consciousness - is that I was writing about this stuff in 1998. I had been talking about it since 1994, but nobody wanted any part of it.

Of course, things like alien ray guns go way back to the 1950s, with sci-fi movies, and even all the way back to the 1890s with H.G.Wells and "War Of The Worlds". But the difference is that my story, when I was writing on the newfangled Internet in 1998, wasn't about something as familiar and generalised as aliens or their ray guns.

What I described - and I still have the archived posts - were weapons, specific weapons, in this case one that was worn as a "backpack" by a "soldier", that utilised directed energy.

You can call them beam weapons, particle the time, I thought of it as a "photon weapon".

The point is that at the time, no books had come out on directed energy. No books generally known, at any rate. Nick Cook's famous "The Hunt For Zero Point" did not come out till 2002. Dr. Farrell did not publish his first book until 2003.

And me? I was just a schmoe, albeit not a dummy, but I guarantee you that, prior to the mid-to-late 1990s, 1994 to 1997 to be exact, I was not thinking of technology of any kind. Science was not my interest, rock n' roll was. And life in general.

But when my memories came back, they were visceral, my word to describe something as real as your memory of what you did or experienced earlier today.

So, when I wrote on the newly discovered Internet in 1998 - because I was so determined to tell my story - I just wrote from memory. I wrote what I remembered. And I could see and feel those things right in front of me, as if they had happened yesterday. That's why I was so adamant to tell them.

If you woke up and found yourself on Jupiter, and then somehow found yourself back at home, believe me, you would feel compelled to tell of your experience.

But the point I always come back to, 17 years later now, is that in my own non-technical way, I was describing directed energy weapons. I was describing what I saw in use, by a person I perceived was a soldier. And that led to other revelations, such as the use of ULF waves to build up pressure against the atmosphere. I wrote about this stuff in 1998, with no scientific background, only my memories.

I know it all sounds extremely weird, because you don't have enough context, and the context is extensive.

But the main point is the time frame, that I've been writing about what happened since 1998 (and talking about it since 1994), and that I did so with no scientific background to crib from, or to base anything on. I was writing strictly to tell a visceral story, in the same way you would need to tell somebody, immdediately, of your trip to Jupiter. You would need to tell someone the moment you returned, and you wouldn't need a science background to relate your story.

All you'd have to do - all you'd want to do! - is to describe what you saw.

And that's what I did, in 1998, on the burgeoning Internet, before all these books and stories about directed energy were ever written. I was just telling a story of what happened to me, from memory. //////

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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