Hi, my Darling,
I'm just getting home from picking Pearl up at the hair salon and I see your post. It is a beautiful message, and it hits home what your meaning is. Sigh.........(it's a good sigh, so don't worry. A sigh of relief.) My girl, we certainly have been through a lot together. Don't you agree? But that is meant in the best possible way.
Why do two people hit it off, become close, fall in love? Well, we have certainly explored those questions over the last three years, but I think we can break it down and simplify the answer just by saying it is magic and it's meant to be. And you don't mess with what's meant to be, right? And in our case, there's no question it was meant to be, right down from the way we met.
You have always been so special to me, from Day One, and believe me, that is rare in the world. You can't just force such a thing to happen, such a meeting of two people. So when it does happen, you know you've been given a miracle.
Your post just now is very beautiful, and all I can say is that anything I've done for you, just by writing, is not only my pleasure but it also a huge blessing for me. I mean it's huge. I feel like, "Thank You so much, Lord, if I am able to do something nice for this special, special girl". You have no idea how happy that makes me, and of course I've always wanted to do anything I can, which - because of our distance - is mostly by writing (and also psychically, by sending good vibes and love). I am so grateful for you, and I try to convey that.
We have had communication problems over the years, but nothing insurmountable. I have been, and still am, willing to communicate in our special way, and I have even come to understand it when you don't post for a day or two. I just figure you are thinking about things, or just being quiet. Maybe even hanging with friends and doing stuff. I know you don't wanna just sit around and wait for me to write something, and then spend more time looking for something to respond with on FB.
If anybody understands what it's like to be a young person, it's me. Even though I am about to turn 55 (which blows my mind, lol), I still am perpetually young inside. I am the "same old me" as I was in my twenties, or for that matter, in my teens! Hell, I'm the Same Old Me I was when I was 5 or 6... :)
So you know I think like a young person, but it's just that I have the "extra miles" of being my age to have some extra perspective on stuff. But my point is that I know what it's like to be your age (OMG, don't you hate when adults say that to you?), and I do know what goes with being young, all the emotions and anxieties, all the excitement and anticipation, everything. So when you don't post, I figure it's gotta be just "one of those things" - you being quiet or just the opposite, hanging with friends and understandibly not wanting to just hang around FB. It could be other things, too. If you are ever feeling down about anything, or worried or anxious, you can be 1000% certain that I know those feelings too, and I know them very well.
So whatever it is, I understand it, and my position has always been "no worries".
Cause I'm crazy about you, Sweet Baby. I Love You. Ya know?
I just figure, if you haven't posted for a couple days, "well, something's up". Because I know you will always be back. I wish, wish, wish (Triple Wish) we had direct communication, phone conversations, but if we can't, we can't. I know you will tell me if and when we can. In the meantime, I am trying my best.
But there's only one catch, and I really didn't think it was gonna be a big deal. I have this experience in my life, I'll just call it "1989" for short. It goes way beyond just having to do with my previous relationship. In fact, it goes so far beyond it that I don't even know how far. That's why I explore it. That's why I read the books I do. It's just something I have to do. You would understand if you were here with me, and I could tell you in detail about it. All I can tell you is that if I gave up on it, I couldn't live with myself.
But in fact, I can't give up on it. It's too big a deal.
I can't help that it did, to some extent, involve my past relationship. But what I hope you will understand is that what I write about, nowdays anyway, is the other aspects of it - all the mindblowing stuff. For reference, just look at the books I read, posted on my FB profile.
I had something happen to me that was as mind-boggling as an alien abduction, and in many ways even more mind boggling. I know it's run-of-the-mill now to say that. Everyone's been abducted by aliens, lol. But what happened in 1989 is far more convoluted.
The bottom line is that, all I ask is that, when I write about it, please don't worry, or get shook up or angry about it. Understand that I am not writing about my past relationship. I am writing about the weird and mind-boggling aspects of What Happened In Northridge.
And the thing is, you know that, first and foremost, I always wanna talk to you. So when you are posting and communicating, I always write about you and I, right? Believe me, I would love nothing more than to be talking to you on the telephone every day. We could talk about all kinds of stuff and have the greatest conversations.
But when very little is happening, communication-wise, I write about the various aspects of 1989, from memory-loss to zero point energy, to everything in between. All I ask is that you not misinterpret my intentions in writing about it.
Anyway, I will sign off for the moment and go for part of my walk. Tonight is movie night, but I will check in again at Pearl's before I go.
Elizabeth, please always remember how special you are, to me but also to the World, and please remember how much I love you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
5:35pm : Hi, my Baby. I am at Pearl's, just finished feeding critters. Tonight is movie night, as mentioned, and we will actually be seeing two Ozu films tonight, although the second one is short, just 45 minutes. Both are silent like last week's film. One is called "Passing Fancy" and the other is "Woman Of Tokyo". The total running time for both is about 2 1/2 hours, so I should get out of the theater by 10, and back to Pearl's by 10:30 or so. I will of course be back then. I hope you've had a good day, and I will see you in just a while.
I Triple Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : Happy Late Night, my Darling. Those were two excellent films we saw, both silent like last week's film. The first one, "Passing Fancy" was kind of in the same vein, combining slapstick humor involving the antics of this very talented child actor Ozu used a lot, and also pathos in the depiction of his relationship with his ne'er-do-well father. There is a lot of humanity in Ozu's films. The second film was much darker, the story of a woman who secretly prostitutes herself to put her brother through college. It was only 45 minutes long, but power packed, which is why I added it to my FB list of films just now. I wish they would make more films of that length! There is no reason a film has to go on and on (although some films do indeed call for extended running times). A filmmaker like Godard had it just about right, with almost all of his films coming in nice and tight at around 90 minutes. But with an extra-short film - 45 minutes - you can tell a power packed tale and compact it.....into a very memorable series of shots and set pieces. A short film can be extremely powerful if you can pull it off, and Ozu certainly did with "Woman Of Tokyo".
I hope you had a nice evening, and that all is well. Just a few more thoughts on writing about the things I write about : I feel that it is imperative in life to talk about the big issues, and to tell the truth about what is really going on in the world. For instance, when I was three years old, we had a President assassinated on live TV. Right away, the authorities told the American people "who did it", and then that guy (Lee Harvey Oswald) was also killed on live TV just a couple days later.
But then years later, decades later, you find out - if you have an interest in such things - that, lo and behold, it was really a huge conspiracy (a word that has been made to seem derogatory) that involved the man who replaced JFK as President, Lyndon Baines Johnson. When you read the expertly researched and written books on that subject, and I read three last year (the three best), you say to yourself, "Oh my goodness! America is not what I thought it was". Now, I have been working on my own case since 1994, so I already had that idea, but nowdays there are brilliant researchers like Dr. Farrell or Phillip Nelson, who can basically prove beyond a reasonable doubt the resolution to a story like the JFK assassination, which had baffled the country for decades.
It had baffled the country, and the World, because the story we were originally given was a lie. And not just any old lie, but an enormous, thoroughly plotted out lie. The Nazis - Hitler or Himmler or one of them, not sure which - had a philosophy, and that was : if you are going to tell a lie to the populace, tell a big lie. Tell a lie that has power, that is bold.
You see, if you are going to kill a President, and you tell a half-hearted lie, and don't thoroughly think through all it's ramifications, people will quickly see through it. Then they will know you are lying and will begin to pick you apart.
So, in the case of JFK, tell a Big Lie. "Lee Harvey Oswald did it". That was told the same day, just like the "perpetrators" of 9/11 were identified within a day or two.
Then, kill the "perpetrator" on live TV two days later, so he can't have any say in the matter.
Now you are in the process of telling a Big Lie, one that is bold. This shows that you are willing to undertake any measures necessary to achieve your aim.
The only trouble for the Nazis, and for the American power elite two decades later, is that a lie - no matter how big or elaborate - will eventually come unravelled. And that is because there is something called gut feeling. There are also people in the world, and in America, who are very smart, very intelligent, and who have the courage to challenge an "official story" that sounds, and more importantly feels, like BS.
And that is what eventually, and recently, happened with the JFK assassination. The Big Lie of 1963 finally has come unravelled, thanks to brilliant, tireless and relentless researchers like Farrell, Nelson and Roger Stone. All three of those guys nail the case, nail LBJ to the wall, and he is finally seen for what he was - a mass murderer who had the President killed so that he could become President. Then he escalated a war, in Vietnam, to aggrandize himself as a "war President" and also to make a ton of money for himself and his cronies.
Wow! Could that really happen in America? You've gotta be kidding me. Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory.
That is what might be said by people who don't read such books, who get their information from "The News Media", and who therefore don't question Big Lies that are publicised by same.
But the truth is the truth, and the truth will not only out, as the saying goes, but it will also have the last word.
The Truth always has the last word.
Provided that someone has the courage to tell the truth. Sometimes, the truth is overwhelming and outrageous, and that factor can make it hard for people who know the truth, to tell the truth.
What happened in Northridge in September 1989 has never been acknowledged by anyone but myself. And that is because it is both overwhelming and outrageous. It's not a Big Lie, per se, but that's only because no one but me has ever spoken of it. However, like the guys who went after the truth about JFK, and never let up, I have enough of a coherent story, laden with details, to make me feel that I have a responsibility to continue to talk about what I know, to write about it.
There was once a famous case in New York, the Kitty Genovese case. You can Google it if you want. Though there were multiple eyewitnesses, no one talked about it, because they "didn't want to get involved". Thus, the case was never solved, so far as I know.
The story of technical progress vis-a-vis secrecy in America, really begins in the early 1900s with the inventions of Tesla, who was developing electrical power systems that threatened the oil industry. Tesla and his work was buried, no one even knew who he was until recently, in America anyway. In Nazi Germany, prior to and during World War Two, an alternate physics was pursued, based on knowledge of the aether, a fact that was denied or ignored by mainstream science. The Nazis went after all kinds of alternate weapons systems and propulsion systems, and they developed and weaponized many things that were far advanced from American counterpart systems.
What many Americans don't know, is that when the war ended, these same Nazi scientists were brought into our country, to help develop the same technical capabilities for the United States. Only it was all kept secret, because those development were meant for an Elite. Like the kind of people who can pull off a JFK assassination, or a 9/11.
Or a What Happened In Northridge.
And so, my Girl, though my dissertation here in this blog is incomplete and perhaps bewildering (because I would have to explain it in person), it is nevertheless my attempt to explain why I must write what I write. As you know, I don't always write about it, though I should probably start doing so, even if it was a separate blog.
But the final point I will make tonight is that somebody has got to stand up to bad guys, Nazis and the like, and a Nazi is the same be he German or American or Syrian or whomever.
Somebody has got to stand up against these people.
You know me, and you know I am not an aggressive person, or on some compulsive, emotionally overwrought crusade. I think I am a basic, fun-loving, intelligence-loving, curious person at heart. You know me, so you can decide.
But there is also the methodical, truth seeking, unafraid side of me, that seeks answers to what happened in 1989. I can't ignore that side, and I've got enough room to do it all, and with good humor, too.
Everything can be fun in life, and interesting too. But it is important to tell the truth, especially about big issues. This really is the greatest country in the world, despite what some might say. I say, let's keep it that way.
I Love You, Sweet Baby. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morn.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :):)
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