Hi Elizabeth,
Here's a question about your post yesterday of all those Black Metal tattoos. This is a bit of a stretch, but it's just something that came to me all of a sudden, when I was waking up from a nap this afternoon. If you've ever heard of a guy named Edgar Cayce, he was a famous trance medium of the last century who had esp reception of thoughts and information come to him when he slept, and even moreso in the period of mental "twilight" when the mind is right in between sleep and wakefulness. He was very famous for making predictions and having foreknowledge of events, and other things too. So, maybe there is something to it, and maybe the idea that came to me means something after all.
When you posted the tattoo pics, it was after I'd written my blog. I don't know if you read it because the page views still say "zero" for yesterday and today, but anyway, when I saw the tattoo pics, I thought "maybe this has some meaning" re: my blog and all the stuff I brought up. But then after spinning it around in my head, I couldn't figure out any meaning at all, and so I just figured it was an ordinary FB "like" by you, because I know you like tattoos and I know you like Black Metal.
I kind of let it go, and figured that maybe you hadn't even read my blog yet. And I am still not sure, but let me tell you what came to me right as I was waking up from my nap. This is kinda interesting, because it's almost like an esp communication, even if I'm wrong : I was waking up, and not even thinking of anything in particular except waking up, and all of a sudden a thought just flashed through my mind.
Tattoos and the guy I mentioned. You know which guy I mean so I don't have to keep bringing him up (sorry about that). But anyway, I remembered that, in the tattoos, there were a lot of triangles, which are of course half a pentagram. But that motif, the triangle, was in almost all the tattoo pictures, I think.
So, I turned on my computer at Pearl's, and found the tattoo picture, and then I found the guy's picture. Now, he didn't have any tattoos visible in the picture, but he is wearing a t-shirt that does feature the triangle motif. So, shades of an Edgar Cayce experience for me.
So, my question, even if farfetched, is this : With the tattoo post, were you saying that you "liked" the guy's FB post because you liked the t-shirt he was wearing? Maybe it's a t-shirt of a band or something?
Because that's what I seemed to "get" as I woke from my nap. I mean, I know he's your friend (and forget if I don't like him, that's not important at the moment), but I just am wondering if your post of the tattoo pics last night was meant as an explanation? We used to have pretty good esp, you and I (or psi, as I like to call it), so maybe it's still working.
Anyhow, I hope you read this blog. I don't know if you've even read the last one yet, but at any rate, I am gonna go for my walk before it rains, and then I will be back here until 9:45, and then back at Pearl's.
(back in a bit)
11:45pm : I guess my intuition was wrong after all. Either that or you haven't read this blog. I don't know what's going on any more........
Oh well.
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