Sunday, February 8, 2015

Home From Choir (Everything Looks Great!) (connections)

Happy Sunday Afternoon, my Darling,

Just getting home. Today was the longest choir practice we've had since I've been there. We worked on a few of the regular songs, and then we went through an entire cantata for Easter, a modern piece called "Out Of The Shadows" by John Purifoy. I'd never heard it before so I had to just follow along, but the director gave me a cd to take with me to get familiar with it.

Now I've got a couple hours to chill, so I am gonna just take it easy. I may save the whole walk for tonight, I'm not sure yet.

I hope you are having a nice day. Maybe you are at the studio again?  :)

I will be here until 4:15, and then I will see you at Pearl's.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50pm : Okay, Sweet Bay - Bee! Everything looks fantastic! First I saw your new name for your company - "productions" is all-inclusive and indicates your versitality. Love it! Then I saw your self-portrait/profile pic, which looks great and totally professional, a flawless shot. Then I noticed a link for your professional website, so I clicked it and I am very impressed. Everything is well stated and articulate. The shot of the model is, again, fantastic and totally pro. It looks like a shot you'd see in a fashion magazine. And of course the Blunderbuss video I am familiar with, and that shows your pro-level video skills as well.

So - wow! - yes, indeed, everything looks raring to go. Let the clients roll in!

I also love your new cover pic on your personal FB. Excellent texture, good lines, grey scale. Now, that is you in the pic, so I take it you are becoming adept at using the timer on your cam, and marking out (or just remembering) where to stand. It came out great. Interesting that it's a landscape not unlike what you might find at home in Wisconsin.

Great stuff all the way around!

I will post now so I can tell you. And I'll be here til The Usual, except for my walk.

I Love You, my Darling. I'm excited!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

11:45pm : Happy Late Night, my Baby. All is calm in Pearl's kitchen. I made a baked potato for a late night snack and now I am listening to KUSC softly on the radio. I think today was a great day, and I am thinking again, that as far as videos go, that when Good Morning V finishes their album, it is a good connection because: A) the possibility that you could do another video for them, and also B) Paul seems to be a pretty well connected guy in that area, and he could also direct bands/clients your way. So that's just one aspect to be thinking about.

The thing is, you are You. People like you, and you have a great connection with lots of people. So the way I see it, all you have to do is keep pushing it. You can do it at whatever pace suits you, but just keep using your cameras - still and video - and keep adding to your work (I won't use the word "portfolio" cause it's too cliche, haha). People will gravitate to you, toward what you are doing, because you are You.

And then your professional skills will keep them coming. So it's great that you have the "people skills" too.

I am excited because I'd love to get back into some serious writing again, like I did from 2006-08, and then again in 2009 on a separate story. I am not particularly a people skills person, but my milieu is Weird Stuff anyway. What I need is to have a Dr. Farrell on my side, or somebody who understands what I am talking about.

But it's exciting to know that you have something ready to go, creatively, and that you have potential connections. In your case, I know you still know the people surrounding Alcest (a huge band now, worldwide), you know the artist who works with them, and you know Neige, even if he is busier than he used to be. The point is, all it takes is One Thing.

One connection that leads to one job, one client..........and then you're in. 

And as they say in Hollywood (at least in the Unions), once you're in, you're in.

It's kinda like, you know how when you see a new "hot" actor or performer pop up, and all of a sudden he or she has a bunch of movies coming out? That's what I mean when I say it just takes One Connection.

At any rate, just some thoughts for tonight, after seeing your website today, and the progress you have made in the time I've known you.

I try to look at things from above the playing field. I get a better view that way. :)

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morn. I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

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