Hi, my Darling,
Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, if you saw my post on FB you know I have the flu. Wow. You know me, I never get sick. Since I've known you, I think I've had one or two minor colds, and that would've been back in the Oviatt Library days when I was using public computers and sitting next to perpetually ill students. As far as a flu bug like this one, I haven't had it since Winter 2009, ironically on the day of a Sparks concert, and double ironically also on Valentine's Day. That time, I stayed in bed all day, then loaded up on the Advil and went to the show. There was no way I was gonna miss it.
This time, I'm glad the doggone thing waited an extra two days so I could attend the concert in peace.
I don't know what happened; I never even felt it coming on. I was fine Sunday night. I went for a walk with Dave F. at CSUN, went back to Pearl's at 10pm. Felt fine, 100% normal. But then, sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up and felt cold - chills, y'know - and no matter how close I pulled the blanket I couldn't get warm. And, I couldn't get back to sleep. By 7:30, when Pearl and Kobi woke up, I knew I was in bad shape. I stayed in bed all day yesterday, almost literally til this morning. I only got up to drink water, take Advil, or one time to type my FB post. I'd forgotten how bad these flu bugs can be, yikes!
Today I feel about 50% better, thank goodness. I am at least able to get around. I took Pearl to Golden Agers and now I'm at home. Still haven't eaten anything, though it's not a stomach flu. Just gonna keep drinking my water and taking it easy, and I'll be back to normal in a day or two.
I like the posts of your brother (always a humorous guy) and of Brian's doggie. :)
I hope you had a nice day yesterday, and another one today.
I sure do love you, Elizabeth. I'll be around most of the day and back in a while.....
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
10:25pm : Happy Early Late Night, my Baby. I am back at Pearl's. I didn't do much this evening except read and listen to music. No walk, today or yesterday. But, as soon as I feel 100% I am gonna redouble (no, re-triple!) my efforts to stay healthy, maintain my normal level of energy, and do the kinds of things I was doing last year (all my hikes, workouts at the outdoor CSUN yard) to stay in shape. Tonight I feel pretty good, but the bug is still lingering, so I'll keep drinking my water.
I hope you haven't caught anything this rotten, or anything at all, this Winter. Hope you had a good day, too. I might go to bed a little earlier tonight, but I should be up til at least midnight.
I'll check back in before I go to sleep. I Love You!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight : Well, my girl, I am barely staying awake, so I will get some sleep and hopefully get rid of this thing by morning. For now I will wish you Sweet Dreams......
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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