Hi, my Darling,
Happy Late Night. I am getting situated here at Pearl's, but wanted to check-in since I haven't yet today. Sorry about that, but nothing was really happening, just a Usual Tuesday. I did watch a great gangster movie this afternoon : "G Men", with James Cagney. Made in 1935, super early, but with a great script and lots of FBI vs. The Mob action. Great stuff. :)
I saw your post from The Onion on the Large Hadron Collider. Funny stuff! Has Stephane had the opportunity to work over there, in Switzerland? Pretty impressive if so, or even if not, cause I know he would certainly rate the opportunity.
Well, I am gonna finish getting things in order here, and then I will be back in about 45 minutes or so. I hope you had a great day!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:55pm : I am back. Yeah, that's a trip about the Hadron Collider. I would love to see such a thing, much less have a chance to work on it. And of course you'd have to be working on an advanced degree and even then, picked from a select group I imagine. I of course am not in that category, but I always did have an intuitive understanding of things from the time I was little. Also, when I was a kid, my Dad exposed me to lots of stuff, like the Palomar telescope, a nuclear submarine and battleship at Long Beach, the open house at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and air shows at Edwards Air Force Base.
One of my earliest memories is of our next door neighbor, a man named Cookie Tom (cause he and his wife had a "Cookie Tree" for kids to "pick" from, lol). I am actually, as I write, sitting about 20 feet from Cookie Tom's backyard, although Cookie Tom is long gone. He may have passed away by now, or he'd be very old, but he and his family moved away years ago. They lived on a corner house, between our house and the house I am sitting in now, Pearl's family home. Anyway, back then, about 1963 or 64, very early in my life, Cookie Tom took me and his daughter Kiko, also about three or four, to visit his workplace. It was called Marquardt Corporation. When I Google it now, I see that they were into the development of ramjet engines, but when we went there, in my memory I see a small space capsule and a lot of wiring, gold wiring. Cookie Tom worked on the Gemini Space Program for NASA, and he was an electrical engineer and all-around technical wizard.
But that is the kind of stuff Dad and others, like Cookie Tom or my "Uncle" Earl Hamner, took me to see when I was little, and these trips, in addition to a general immersion in math and science interests because of Dad, instilled in me an insatiable curiosity for The Way Things Work (also the title of a famous children's book), and that curiosity has never left me. Actually, it has only gotten stronger and stronger.
I don't have a college education in such things, but I do have an intuitive grasp, and I am also an inveterate detective, so if something strikes my fancy, I will study it and try to figure it out.
Here is something that is interesting to ponder, at least I find it to be so. What if, one day, you realised - or could feel - that you'd lived a past life, only the life wasn't from the past, like during the Renaissance or Elizabethan Age or The Old West. What if you had a distinct sense that your "past" life actually occured during your present lifetime?
Remember that there are touchstones for memory. Geological markers are one such touchstone. Huge rock outcroppings such as the ones in Chatsworth don't change for eons, so if you have a recurring dream, say, or a significant, visceral, memory involving those rocks as a location, then you have something to base your memory in reality. Buildings are another kind of touchstone or "memory marker". Buildings sometimes stay in place for decades, and so the same thing applies as it does to the Chatsworth rocks.
I am trying to describe a sense of deja vu, but not just in the sense of a "flash", as deja vu is normally experienced. What I am talking about is much more comprehensive. It is a sense that begins in early childhood, that this life is connected to something else. As an aside, I have remarked before that adults wonder where they will go when they die, but small children can sense where they have been before they were born. It is very true. The trouble is, as kids grow, that early consciousness is pushed from the forefront of their brain, and so most folks, as they age into adolescence, adulthood and middle age, forget completely those sensations they experienced as very small children. I am talking between perhaps 2 and 3 years of age. That would be just old enough to understand intuitively what you are experiencing, even if, at such a young age, you could in no way express or relate it to others.
Young children may experience a prolonged feeling of deja vu, in which they are living in between worlds. Mentally, at least.
In most folks, this phenomenon is probably forgotten completely. But what if you were one of the folks who remembered it?
To compound matters, what if when you got older, you remembered specific "scenes" involving places and people from your childhood, only you knew for certain that those scenes did not take place in the life you are now living? But what if it felt like they took place at a similar time?
This part is important. What if it felt like those "scenes", from early childhood memories and also from dreams, took place in not only a similar time, but one that involved the same locations as the ones you knew from your childhood?
Think of it this way : you remember your childhood, and many things you did, and the locations involved.
But then you also remember alternate scenes, of unusual things, involving the same locations, or at least the same general locale, the area in which you grew up.
And if those alternate scenes were revealed to you in dreams and as latent memories that you recovered as an adult, you might feel as if you'd lived another life, during the same childhood.
I know it all sounds really weird (of course it does, it's me!), but I am trying to get at the problem of:
What is the nature of a sequence? What is a sequence of time, and especially as it relates to memory, and the absorbtion of memory as a sequence is happening?
It is interesting to note that, in the past century at least, there were people who studied areas of the brain that affect consciousness.
Anything further tonight must be put off, but give it a try in your day to day life. Try to notice small emotional and psychic fluctuations you can feel as you pass specific locations or see landmarks.
Such fluctuations could happen anywhere, or nowhere. Or they could come from dreams.
But they can indicate, if they are persistent in your life, something real that is rising from your consciousness, and trying to show you another part of your life, be it past, present or from some place in between.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Sweet Dreams, Elizabeth. I Love You......
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