Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
Well, Hillary did it - El Sweepo! She won all five states, including Missouri where she had been trailing Sanders most of the night, but she eked out a win in the final count. So it's a huge night for her and basically for all intents and purposes gives her the nomination. Once more I will say "sorry" if you are a Bernie fan, and if you are, I hope you aren't one of these people who - for reasons I can't fathom - seem to think Hillary is the Devil. There is so much BS propaganda nowdays, and it gets blown out of proportion. Are the Clinton's corporate? Are they Establishment? Do they have big money behind them? The answer is yes to all those things. But trust me, the only way you get any changes made in this country is through the Establishment, by becoming part of it.
Then you can begin to change it from within.
Bernie wanted to change it from the outside, with a "political revolution". That kind of rhetoric is good for getting people fired up, but it usually achieves very little. Look at the Occupy protests of a couple years ago. Nothing happened. Even the genuine, and massive, social and political attempts at revolution in the 1960s - though they stirred up a firestorm - in the end did not achieve much.
And that is because the American Machine, which more or less runs the world, is far too massive and powerful, and entrenched, to be overthrown by protesting civilians. We have a military/industrial complex in place that enforces it's will all over the world. It has technology that would make your head spin, some of which has never been demonstrated to the public.
Bernie wanted to metaphorically "throw rocks at Goliath" via the votes of civilians who have no idea what they are up against. It didn't work in the 1960s, when activism was at it's peak, and it won't work now.
The Powers That Be are The Powers That Be because they have a military the likes of which has never been seen on Earth, and the according technology. No one is going to overthrow them with a revolution. If someone could overthrow them, it would be another powerful country like Russia, with it's own gigantic and powerful military. Except that we already defeated Russia during the Cold War, by outspending and outdeveloping them on technology. We are never going to be a socialist or communist country, though as previously written, we do have some socialist policies and frameworks due to necessary taxes.
But the only way to get anything done in America is from within the system. A simple analogy might be a restaurant. You think the food sucks? Well, you can either eat somewhere else (i.e. leave the country), or stand outside and protest : "The Food Sucks Here"!
Or you can apply to work at the restaurant, maybe as a chef (which you can train for), and then you can start cooking some awesome food. You still won't own the restaurant, because very powerful interests own it. But now that you are the chef, you can make some changes on the menu that might appeal to everybody.
The main thing, and this is what the Clintons were so good at in the 90s, is to restore the economy and thereby restore the middle class. Without a middle class, you are left with a modern version of Feudal society, with billionaire owners on top and minimum wage slaves on the bottom. This is why people are pissed, and I understand it. But Bernie is not the guy to fix it, and Trump certainly is not. That MFer (sorry about my language, but he's a rotten SOB who has not offered one single policy detail of how he might fix things. All he has done is create a circus and bring out the violence in people). That's what I wanted to say about Trump, that he sucks. He's the worst candidate in American history, and he may even be an Agent Provocateur, sent in to disrupt the Republican party via a sideshow, but in any event it ain't funny. So screw him.
But really, change is gonna be slow to come in America. Nothing is gonna happen fast because of the oil industry. They have been in power for 100 years or more, and have been behind the creation of modern America, with it's cars and freeways, and it's distribution system of goods and food, which is transported by diesel (gas) powered trucks. Our ships run on oil (mostly, except for some nuclear powered subs).
You can't just overthrow a system this big and powerful. Not even close. The technology boom has happened so fast, and in roughly 150 years (only a little bit more than Seven Grandpas in the Adam measurement of generations!) we have gone from covered wagons to the Prius, and from hot air balloons to Mars Landers.
And from bullets to nuclear weapons.
And The Powers That Be have had control over the development of all these things, with the citizenry, even we are are informed about things, just along for the ride.
It is still our country. After all, there are more than 300 million of us, and comparatively few of The Powers That Be. We can demand changes - like a 15 dollar minimum wage, and health care, affordable housing, etc. And we can and should - and we will - get those things. That is how we will restore the middle class, through demand and pressure from the voting public.
But we are not likely to overthrow those in power, because what they have created over the past century is so powerful that even other powerful nations cannot touch it, let alone citizens.
That's why I support the Clintons. They get things done. Also I have personal reasons for supporting them. My friend Mary, who knocked Hillary again today, knows all about this. But I will leave it alone for now. I am just happy for the sweep of all five states tonight. There is no doubt Hillary is gonna be our next President, and she will beat Trump no problem. And then we will have our first woman President, long overdue.///
Sweet Baby, I was happy to see your photo this morn, and am glad you got out on a hike. I will try to do one myself later in the week. Tomorrow I have to call AAA cause Pearl's car won't start. Gotta take it to the mechanic and get it fixed. So maybe a hike on Friday or even Saturday, if Vickie doesn't come over.
I haven't seen any other posts by you on FB for several days now. I know you are busy, but post if you can, if you wanna. I asked them at FB to fix my news ticker a few weeks ago now, and it was the third time I've asked them since November, and they still haven't done it, so I guess I will never have a news ticker again. It really sucks, because that was my main means of seeing your posts and communicating with you.....
Well anyway, I Love You. I just always need something to write about, is all.
See you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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