Happy Late Thursday Night, Sweet Baby,
I was having fun just a little while ago reminiscing with Ono about our favorite pinball machines, which you may have seen on FB. I haven't been in an arcade in ages, and I don't even know if arcades exist anymore because of home devices like X-Box, but I wonder if there are still any of the old pinball machines around. It would be a blast to play one, and the thing is - I bet kids nowdays would like 'em, too. They were a blast, and we used to play 'em all afternoon at Thrifty Drug Store when we weren't hanging out at College Records, which was right next door. Ono worked at College, starting when he was only 13, and that's how I met him - playing pinball at Thrifty. So if it wasn't for pinball, and meeting Ono, I might never have started to hang out at College. And my musical education could have developed differently......shudder the thought!
Of course, all things are meant to happen the way they happen. At least it seems that way in my life.
I hope you had a nice St. Patrick's Day, and I liked your photo this morn. It's interesting to me because the hills look very Santa Claritan (to coin a term), and I like the very old cemetery and the Celtic cross on the headstone. I am very much interested in the old world, and even the ancient world, as you know, and in our hills too - which as mentioned have a resemblance, at least in that picture, to the Irish hills - I am certain there are burial grounds which are unmarked. After all, they had to lay people to rest somewhere, and the Indians lived here for millennia. So when I am in Santa Su or Rice Canyon, I sometimes wonder what is around me and beneath me.
I hope you wore green today, or at least drank a green beer. :)
I saw several of your posts today, both band and food related. On the band front, it looks like a lot of good things are happening with your friends, including SXSW for Sarah's group, and another friend with Hollywood Undead, which I don't know a lot about except that they have a big following. Good connections rippling outward and back towards you. :)
On the food front, I have usually been in line with your friend's posts, haha, and although I like carrots, I too will pass on the carrot chips. If I am gonna eat a chip, it's gotta be made from a potato or from corn.
Although, man....I have gotta get back to being strictly on the No Fun Diet and eating stuff that is boring, if I am to stay in shape late into my 50s, haha. I've been pounding way too many chips lately, and all kinds of other goodies.
My goodness, Ad. After all that progress and discipline...... :)
I hope you are having a blast of late, and it seems like that is the case!
Tonight at CSUN we saw the seventh and final film by Andrei Tarkovsky, "The Sacrifice", a heavy, heavy film, but also tremendous. It was made in Sweden with a Swedish crew and actors, many from the Ingmar Bergman camp, and it feels like a Bergman film, though still very Tarkovskian : lots of philosophical dialogue, slow camera movement and painter-like cinematography.
I think he made it his final statement deliberately, knowing he had terminal cancer while he was filming. I won't try to describe it too much except to say it has an Armageddon motif that was featured in other films of the Cold War era, and especially in the 1980s, but because it is Tarkovsky it is a film that is unique and personal to him, and therefore unlike anything else. Having seen all his films now on a movie screen, I really can't overemphasize how great he was, with the stipulations I've made previously for the uninitiated, about having patience and not expecting anything remotely resembling a Hollywood film or even any film as you would normally think of it. For me, he was one of the very best, and a total original.
Well, my Darling, that's all for tonight. I will see you in the morning. I Love You!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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