Hi, my Darling,
Happy Late Night. I was glad to see you back today, and to see your pictures also. You got a bunch of good ones. I indicated three that I noticed for particular reasons, like #6 of 27 (Weather Station) where only the girl's head is visible within the light, and then you notice a hand reaching out of the lower right corner. At first I thought it was the hand of an audience member, but on closer inspection it is her hand on the guitar neck.
So it's that kind of thing that makes a special pic for me. Just little details, like in #16 of 27 : the tilt of her head and her face, holding the emotion of the song, combined with the sparkle and color of her cape. There are a lot of others in that set of pics that are really good. Look them over yourself and spot the details that stand out for you.
Your professional website is really looking good, too, with a lot of variety and great shots. All I can say is what I always say : just keep shooting, as much as you can. I mean, I know you do anyway, because it is now your career.
That's pretty awesome, I must say, and it makes me happy because I have watched it happen. :)
Not a whole lot for me to report, just that my job is time-intensive now (which I've already reported before). I am reading my George Harrison book and also Lita Ford's new book. She was the guitarist for The Runaways, as you may know. She is very honest and her book is full of great stories and anecdotes, and it really details the life of a rock star in the era of excess (70s through 90s) - and George Harrison's book does the same, for that matter, because he lived a rock star life, too, despite the spirituality - but really, though it's all fun to read and interesting, too, because I've been a fan for my whole life, the lifestyle is really kind of depressing to read about. Kind of gross, really.
I just love the music, but am glad I'm me. I could never live that kind of hedonistic life.
Tomorrow is a big day for the election. I am hoping that Hillary will run the table and sweep every state that is up for grabs, or at least gain a big increase in delegates, enough to really begin to shut the Sanders camp down. I say this because I've seen what a split in the party can do, or to be more accurate what a far-left candidate can do to damage a legit candidate's chance to win. I've already mentioned Ralph Nader. He is remembered now as the jerk who cost Al Gore the Presidency. I don't think Bernie is a jerk, and he is at least a legit candidate, because he is a Senator after all, but he has no chance to become President, and so by continuing to stay in the race, he causes Hillary - who does have an excellent chance to become President - to have to focus on him, instead of Trump, who will be the end of this country as we know it. It's not just Trump, but his followers. He legitimizes violence in low-brow, ill-educated people.
I hate to say it, but there are a lot of really stupid people in America.
I don't mean that they are stupid because of their views. If their views were well thought out, if they possessed erudition, articulation, if they could think and verbalise those thoughts in anything resembling an intelligent way, that would be one thing.
But what I see at Trump rallies is just a bunch of really low-brow people.
When you combine low-brow (which in the literal sense means someone with a low forehead, meaning a caveman) with anger, then you have the beginnings of Nazi Germany.
Sweet Baby, I am gonna take a moment here to address a side issue :
My friend Mary posted on FB today something about Hillary being a "warmonger", a Youtube video. I did not have the time to watch it, and I probably would not have anyway because I am a Hillary fan and am voting for her. But the reason I even mention it is because Mary used specific language which made me think her post was directed at me personally. In writing about the suicide of Keith Emerson, I mentioned the everyday "programming" of people via the 24/7 news cycle, etc. In Mary's post, which was on FB the next day (yesterday), she used the same word - "programming" - in reference to people who might vote for Hillary, which I have indicated I will do both on FB and here at the blog.
The video Mary posted was sponsored by Trump people. I hope Mary is not for Trump. I saw today that Pete Rose is for Trump, which was disappointing because Pete is my favorite baseball player, but then he is also perhaps not the most philosophical guy to ever come down the pike.....
But Mary is an intelligent woman. Very intelliegent, and was run out of Hollywood partially for that reason. Men in Hollywood do not like, and fear, women who are intelligent.
If you could take all the lowlifes in Hollywood, in the movie and music business, and put them all in the same place, it would fill a sports arena if not a stadium.
Back in the Myspace days, I had a problem with certain people reading my blog. Sweet Baby might remember this. Now, I can't control who reads, and I really don't care, and in any event I don't mean Mary because she is an awesome person. Mary was involved in the events of September 1989, and there lies the problem.
Mary, you would do a lot better to talk about what happened. I mean, you were there and you know it. You were in a car, with me and a few other people, when we were attacked by a man named Howard Schaller at Northridge Hospital. Of course, you would not have known who he was, and for me - I have no idea to this day why you were there. I only know that you were.
And you know it, too. So you should talk about it.
I have been left to twist in the wind, all by myself, and what happened to me - and to you and others, but mostly to me - has never even been acknowledged .
I have had to live with it, and to deal with it, all on my own, for 26 years.
So in short, God Bless, and I don't mind if you read this blog, but really you should stand up for the real truth, and not just some surface-level political angle. You know as well as I do what happened that night.
In any case, though, thanks for reading. I would love to start a discussion on the events of 1989, and to share information so that we can see what we all remember. But so far no one seems to have the courage.
Only me. I have had the courage. Maybe one day someone will join me. ////
Sorry about that, Elizabeth. It's not a big deal and nothing to worry about, and the irony is that when I met you I finally had something else to talk about, and someone amazing to talk to.
I am not mad at Mary, or anybody else who reads, all I am saying is that if you were part of the events of 1989, you should stop pretending it never happened, and Talk About It. Don't talk about side issues; talk about The Real Thing, as I have done in the past. Stand up for The Real Truth.
Period. ///
Okay, I am sorry about that once again, Sweet Baby, but in actuality it's all good, everything is cool. It's just that there has seemed to be some stuff going on underneath the radar, and also this thing with Keith threw me for a loop. What happened in '89 was a humongous deal, and no one has even talked about it or even acknowledged it, and it was almost beyond comprehension, really. It scared the heck out of everyone involved except me, and so people glom on to what I write, to see what I will say.
I haven't said much about it for a while, because I have enjoyed talking to you. But I see, with Mary's post, that people still follow, and that's fine. Just please stand up and talk about what you remember, as I have, because 26 years of my life have gone by in the interim, and so far not a single person has ever said a thing.
And it's not gonna go away, because it was a huge deal, beyond anything you can imagine. ////
That's all I know for tonight, and I'd rather write about regular things and interesting artistic things with my Baby, but was compelled to write about 1989 for the aforementioned reason.
See you in the morning, Sweet Baby. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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