Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Great Photo + Service This Morn + JFK : Great President, Disappointing As A Person

Happy Tuesday Night, my Darling,

That was a spectacular photo this morning, with amazing color tones and a pastel texture. It looked right out of a fashion magazine, and as always you have your model posed "just so". Good work!  :)

We were in church for the service this morning, for Mr. M, and we sang several hymns, including "How Great Thou Art" and "Amazing Grace", and we also sang an anthem, "To Everything There Is A Season". There were a few former choir members singing with us, as Mr. M was a longtime member of the church and choir. In fact, after the service was over I saw our former choir director Dr. Kwon, which was really nice because I had not seen her in two years. She was the one, you will recall, who roped me into joining the choir, against my wishes at the time (November 2014). I protested, but it didn't work, lol, and here I am today almost 2 1/2 years later and singing is one of my favorite things. I told her so, and thanked her for forcing me to join. :)

That was all the news for today. Our internet service was out for a while this afternoon here at Pearl's, likely due to the high winds we have been experiencing, but we got it fixed in time for me to write......

Reading my book "Mary's Mosaic", which is both a page turner and an eye opener to the elite of the East Coast, as I mentioned before. The subject of John F. Kennedy's womanizing is explored in some detail, and it takes a bit of doing on my part (and it would for anyone who has admired President JFK) to reconcile the man as the Great President Who Was Assassinated (and by all reckoning he was a great President), with the man who so callously "entertained" woman after woman at the White House and elsewhere, making Bill Clinton look like an amateur. According to the author, JFK's marriage to Jackie was over before he even became President. She had endured years of humiliation and only agreed to stay on because her father-in-law Joe Kennedy Sr. offered her a trust fund for life if JFK became President.

I know this is all "old history" for you, but for me it was part of my childhood, and it is dismaying to see the way these people lived, even if we admired them as leaders.

No matter what, though, JFK did not deserve what happened to him, and as for LBJ, there is nothing to admire about him whatsoever.

I can't believe Trump is still president. No "Capital P" for him, his presidency is definitely lower case. He is the worst president in the history of the country, and I don't know why I am even mentioning him because I swore I wouldn't!

I said to Grimsley that Trump was the Biggest "Jerk" (except I didn't use the word "Jerk") in the history of America. Grim asked, "Well what about LBJ? Wasn't he a bigger 'Jerk' "? Grim has heard my discourses on Lyndon Johnson of late.

But I said, "No. LBJ was certainly a bigger sociopath and mass murderer than Trump, and more evil too.....

But he was not a bigger "Jerk" (insert actual word here).

Trump is the Biggest You-Know-What In The History Of America, and no one will ever overtake him. I'll try not to mention him again, or at least for a while.......

See you in the morn. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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