Sunday, March 12, 2017

Time Change + Another Shot Caller Dog + Summer + Charlie Chan + LBJ

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I'm writing a little bit earlier than usual due to the upcoming time change, which I am pretending has already happened, in order to psych myself out so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour and not be complete toast in church. So, right now it's 12:11am, but it's really 1:11. And I've gotta be up at 8. I can get by with 6 hours sleep, or even 5 1/2, but after that............the Toast Factor starts to accrue.

I like the other time change better, when you get an hour more of sleep, but then it's all mixed up, because really that time change is worse, because then it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon, which sucks.

This time change - Spring Forward - sucks for one day, but then starting tomorrow night the nights are longer, and man do I love those lingering twilight evenings in Spring and Summer. So, overall, I'll take the Spring Time Change, and Daylight Savings, over the Fall Time Change, even though I lose an hour of sleep tonight. We have an easy song in church anyhow, which I can sing in my sleep, lol. It's a traditional Irish melody called "I Sing As I Arise" (for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day), and the irony of the Time Change is in the title!  :)

I liked the photo you posted this afternoon. That dog is classic! He looks like a Shot Caller just like Kobi, and you are right : he is perturbed by the overall situation he finds himself in, and is thinking "Someone will pay later".  :)

It's funny because I was always used to big dogs. We always had Labs, and a Shepherd, and big dogs are so Large and Friendly, and they are like your big pal : "Hey! How's it goin'? I'll just park myself here on the couch until it's time for you to feed me. Everything's cool, though".  Big dogs are relaxed, but they aren't as "in charge" as little dogs. I only discovered that when I got to know The Kobester, and of course I jest somewhat, but only just a little. There really is a difference in temperment due to the size of the doggie, and the little guys are definitely calling the shots.

I see you guys are back in the throes of Winter after enjoying warmer temps earlier in the season. Hopefully the cold is temporary. For us, Summer seems to have begun. Though it's not roasting, about 85 degrees, I have had to use my air conditioner the past two days, and it looks like it's gonna be around 90 next week. That's how it works out here, there no "warm up", no slow changeover. One day you're freezing to death and the next it's Summer. But I'm sure we've got some sweatshirt weather left, probably in April when cool and breezy conditions prevail.

Tonight's movie was "Meeting At Midnight", yet another Charlie Chan flick starring the great Sidney Toler. This one was a blast, concerning a murder that takes place during a seance. The subject of seances was big in the movies of the 40s, when mysticism was becoming part of the popular culture. Anyway, Charlie goes through his usual superior detective procedures and ends up holding his own seance, with all the suspects, to solve the crime. The movie features, as always in this series, the hijinks of Mantan Moreland, who is an absolute riot. I have now seen five Charlie Chans, every one the Library system has, but I like 'em so much that I will have to start ordering more from Amazon. It turns out they made a couple dozen in all.  :)

Today, a hike at Santa Susana, and my usual reading. I am blown away by the LBJ book, and I hope that one day all his crimes will be exposed to America and the whole world. He was so awful that, had he been the leader of a less free country, like Russia or China, he very well might have been as bad as Hitler or Stalin. He was a demon who took over America, and to this day his crimes have been mostly covered up, and we are still paying for it psychically, in the sense of The Princess And The Pea......

End of brief LBJ tirade, for now anyway.....

And that's really all for tonight. On account of the time change, I must now attempt to get to sleep.

I will see you in the morn, and then again after choir practice at 1pm.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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