Happy Late Night, my Darling,
I hope you had a nice day. I saw a couple of posts via your local friends that had to do with concerts, so maybe you went to a show tonight. I see on your professional FB page that you have been going and shooting recently too, so that is great. The clubs and concert halls are one of your "offices". Another is of course your music room. :)
And you are in "the office" a lot of the time. :)
You are "livin' it", SB, and I think that is awesome.
Today we had another pre-Summer warm sunny day - 82 degrees. When the weather warms up, it always comes out of nowhere, never by degrees. It's just "one day it's 52 and the next it's 80". So, I took the Kobedog up to Northridge Park. I've been meaning to do that for a while now, as soon as the weather was nice. Northridge Park has always been a special place for me and The Pinsch, it's always very quiet there, and there is an enormous green lawn the size of a couple city blocks, so Kobi can walk and sniff to his heart's content. It's extra special there, because Northridge Park is the place I took him after he had his seizure a year ago. Once it looked like he was gonna be okay, I took him up there because of the Good Vibe of the place, so he could walk and get his strength back, and when he did get it back - at age 16 (now 17!) - I was both amazed and grateful. And the park became a very special place for him and me. We hadn't been there in a while, but today, we walked all the way down to the baseball field and back, over a quarter mile total, and to see his tail wag as he walked along just made my day. :)
I am pretty crazy about the guy, in case you haven't noticed. :)
Right now, both he and The Black Kitty are asleep in Pearl's room. She sometimes comes in the house now, and she likes The Kobester too.
I also went to Aliso for a 45 minute hike. No pics, but the water is still running, two weeks after the rain stopped.
My allergy also stopped, for which I am also grateful. Those things are as bad as getting a cold. It was a little unnerving to get one after twenty years of not getting them, but maybe I won't get one for another twenty.
Well, that was all the news for today. Reading my books in the spare moments - the insane LBJ and the obtuse but fascinating Schwaller deLubicz - and also watching an episode of "Fear The Walking Dead".
See you in the morning. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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