Happy Late Sunday Night, my Darling,
I hope you had a nice day. I'm a little tired today because of the time change. I was okay this morning, but once the coffee wore off I've been a bit on the sleepy side, lol. Good singin' in church this morning, however. We were down to just six singers in choir (also cause of time change, no one showed up), but we knocked it out of the park. A good rehearsal, too. All of that "car singing" is paying off, I tell ya..... :)
You should come hear us one of these weeks. I know it's a bit of a drive, but I guarantee it's worth it...
I saw your Taya Iv post, and I know she is a proxy for Sweet Babyism (I mean, I think so....right?), and she always has great pics - "peeking out from behind the scenes". I also saw - just now - your post via Brian from I Prevail. That is a great post, but......the first thing I would tell him is the obvious "don't let Internet posters get to you". From what I can see, he is in a band that has been placed in some festival gigs - not too shabby compared to a ton of other bands out there - and so to even respond to clowns who, over the Internet, make unkind or untrue comments, isn't worth his time. If you are a musician, or any other type of artist, once you start to make it, you've got to not pay any attention to what anyone is writing about you. That's one of the first things you learn : don't read criticism, good or bad. Don't waste your time. There's always gonna be people saying "we love you, you're great" and there's always gonna be people saying a lot of critical stuff, and often for reasons of jealousy. Usually, if a person is not a fan of someone's music, or art, they do not bother to write a critical post. They simply don't listen to the bands and types of music they don't care for, but would not bother to criticize, because they are not otherwise bothered. And they are too busy living their life and listening to music they do like.
And so there you have it : people who write crap on the Internet (a wholly recent phenomenon that did not exist 20 years ago) are just venting jealousy, and by reacting to it, your friend in I Prevail is giving it some small bit of acknowledgement, which it doesn't deserve. So I would again tell him, just keep focusing on your band, and getting gigs, and don't read crap that people write about you, because there will always be a lot of it, both good and bad.
Now having said all of that, the rest of his post was right on the money! He talks about being 100% focused on his goal, and that's the way it's been for every successful musician I've ever read about. In the Van Halen biography I read last year, there are all kinds of stories about Edward, and how literally all he ever did was play his guitar. He told the same story : during High School, while his friends were out at parties on the weekend, he was home, playing his music. Same with George Harrison of The Beatles. People who knew him said they never saw him without a guitar, even at the dinner table, haha. As for the business aspect, there was a famous local story of the band Poison in the '80s. They may have been a Hair Band and not really my style, but they were known for doing whatever it took to make it - spending nights putting up flyers all over town, calling clubs day in and day out, just unrelenting in their pursuit. And they did make it. They made it big.
So your friend's post is right on. I'd just say to ignore the idiots, because they will always be there, and they will sap your energy, which is what they would like to do. The Internet made it easy for Stupid People to come out of the woodwork, because they can hide behind a computer......
But anyhow : congrats to your friend, and to all of you guys, and especially to You!, for going for it; for choosing to do what you want with your lives. We have talked about it and talked about it, and we know you made the right decision, and so have your friends, and I think that it awesome.
And I should know, because my life has been rock and roll (well, at least 90%)!
Well, I guess that's all for tonight, SB. I should probably try to get some sleep in a few minutes.
I've been reading my books today - no movie - and now that I am almost finished with the 1100 page "Genesis, Creation and Early Man" by Fr. Seraphim Rose, I can say that it's probably one of the greatest books I've ever read. Anyone who reads this book will never believe in evolution again.
But if you think that's a controversial statement, I've got another one for you.
I may be a "Young Earther" now, SB. I mean, I'm not sure yet. I always thought that the Earth, and the Universe, were millions and billions of years old. Why did I think that? Simple. I thought that for the same reason everyone else does, because science told me so. Therefore it must be true.
But now I am reading about Radiometric Dating, and how it works, and what it can do and what it can't do.
And there is no way to prove anything in the Universe is billions of years old. It is merely a hypothesis that comes out of the philosophy of evolution.
The Creationists readily admit that there is no way to prove the Earth is only 7500 years old, but they do present a lot of evidence for Catastrophism, which is a subject I have been interested in for a long time.
I won't go on a tirade (or maybe I already did!), except to say that it's a shame that when people think of Creationism, they think of a bunch of dumb Fundamentalists from somewhere like Kentucky or Tennessee.
Try arguing evolution with an Orthodox Christian master like Fr. Seraphim, who was educated at one of the Claremont Colleges. That is how Creationism should be percieved, and a rightful (and correct) alternative to evolution, which, when any thinking person stops to consider it, is just plain ridiculous.
Well, I see I did go on a tirade. Sorry about that! But anyway, I am gonna get a book or two on "young earth theory" (only high level books, mind you) and see what I think. Then I'll get back to you. :)
See you in the morn. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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