Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Great Review (Congratulations!)

Hi Elizabeth,

Well, that is fantastic news about the review of "Notepainting" in Isthmus. Your first review! (at least I think it is). But yeah, that is beyond awesome. :) The writer used the word "affecting" to describe your music, and that's exactly what I've been saying all along, that it has an emotional effect. It creates a feeling, as I was saying yesterday. And that's even slightly different than saying it "has feeling", which it does as well.........but because it is so personal to you, it goes a step further and creates a feeling in the listener too.

I will be super looking forward to your upcoming recordings of piano/viola duets and your singer/songwriter music. You have the ability to "get to the core" of a song, as just demonstrated by your cover of "Dream", so make sure you go all the way with your own songs. If this were the "old days" of the record industry, and you were working in a studio with a producer, he would drill you (or encourage you, lol, depending on the producer) to produce your best rendition of every song. Since you are your own producer, which is often the case these days, it is your job to bring out of yourself what you know you are capable of. You already know that, but I say it anyway.  :)  Bring out that connection in all of your music. (that's something our choir director is always stressing, lol).

You seem to be able to pick up any musical instrument and play it (cause not just anyone could play a viola so quickly, even just playing single notes, most people would have some "bow screech"), which means you are genuinely "musical". One of my very favorite artists is a guy named Mike Oldfield, who became famous in 1973 for an album called "Tubular Bells" on which he played all the instruments.

I am also loving an album I just got in the mail, called "The Geese And The Ghost" (1977) by a guy named Anthony Phillips who was one of the founders of Genesis but left before they became famous. Nevertheless, he has continued to put out beautiful, pastoral music for 40 years now, mostly featuring 12 string guitar, and with such an emphasis on connection and melody. He also plays a variety of instruments, and has ventured into classical music.

I also saw a couple of music related posts today : one from a band playing tomorrow night (I think), so maybe you are gonna be shooting that show? And the other post was from Stitched Up Heart, so I know you'll be with them when they come to town, and that is awesome.  :)

Well, anyway, I am glad you posted, and congrats on the Isthmus review. There will be more to come as you go along, mark my words. Just as long as you keep doing what you do, your destiny will unfold. You don't have to do anything else other than What You Do.

I trust all is well, then. It's been a little rough this week, and Chris Cornell's death hit hard for so many people because he was so beloved, and it was such a shock........

I know you are busy these days, but post when you can, and when you do post, I will respond. :)

I am with you all the way, of course.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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