Happy Late Friday Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a nice day. Maybe you got to do some shootin' tonight at a show? I hope so, or if not tonight then soon. :) I took The Kobester to see his heart doctor, and lo and behold he got another good report. She said that nothing has changed since his last visit in October 2016. His heart function is still the same, ditto his kidneys. His blood test was good. She says Kobi may just be her oldest patient and called him "amazing".
I gave him a bath today, too. He was not amazing about that, haha, because he hates baths. But now he is All Kobedogged Out and is chillin' here in the kitchen with me. The Black Kitty is crashed out on the sofa.
That was the main event of the afternoon. This evening I worked on my drawing while listening to "Kodama". It's an album that sneaks up on you, because there are a lot of interwoven melodic lines that don't jump out all at once, and you can miss them if you are concentrating on the rhythm of the music, which is very powerful on this record. It's the hardest rock record he has made with Alcest, and the rhythms are driven. But there's a lot of stuff going on beneath the surface, and I just noticed a lot of it tonight after listening for the first time in a month or so.
I also watched a "Rawhide" episode in which Clint Eastwood gets sick. Two steers die, and the crew thinks it's anthrax, so they are worried Clint has it too. Trail Boss Eric Fleming goes to the nearest town in search of a doctor but finds only a nurse, who volunteers to help. I was watching this actress, and she had some mannerisms and vocal characteristics I seemed to recognise, and then I thought : "That's gotta be Margaret O' Brien, all grown up". She was a child star who was in one of my favorite movies : "Meet Me In St. Louis", and a bunch of others. Mom was a big Margaret O' Brien fan, which was how I found out about her, and then in an unrelated but "small world" coincidence, my sister Sophie met and got a picture taken with her at some function or another a few years ago. Well anyhow, I love "Rawhide", and just like in other shows of that era when TV was fairly new, you never know who you will see in a guest starring role. In fact I bought the first season of "Rawhide" just because we saw an episode that guest starred John Cassavetes when the professor showed it at CSUN a couple months ago. Everything is a Small World.
I saw your post via Morgin of the flowers her husband sent her. I don't know him, but he's a good guy in my book. :)
That's all I know for tonight. See you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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