Thursday, May 25, 2017

"The Harpist" + Red Gown Series + Dog Nails

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby, already know what I'm gonna say : That your photo is once again incredible! You are really "in The Zone" now, Elizabeth, and these "Red Gown" photos have taken your already formidable self-portrait skills to new heights. Today's photo, I was looking at it, thinking "this makes me think of something", and it was because I was seeing the overall shape of the driftwood, and then it hit me : It almost looks like you could be sitting down to play an ancient mysterious instrument, like a harp! Just imagine some strings set vertically in that hole in the middle of the driftwood, just below the long could picture a carved dragon's head on the top of the piece directly in front of you, and the place where you are sitting would be a bench. Wow!

Just a great, great photograph, and like your music - it gives a feeling. That is what is most important.

The Red Gown photos will go out into the Universe, I believe.  :)

I hope you had another great day at the park, and there is no doubt that you did. :)

I also saw a post via Dreamhouse, who look like they have signed with an agency of some sort, so that is also good for you as well.

Today I took my cam to Best Buy, but they told me it would cost around 150 to have the sensor cleaned, so.........forget that, lol. I will try Hooper Camera in the next couple days. I am willing to pay 75, or maybe 100 bucks tops, just cause I love my cam so much, but I've gotta draw the line somewhere because it only cost me 275. Fingers are crossed for an affordable repair.

I bought some doggie nail clippers to try and trim the Doberman's nails. He starts walking funny if his nails get too long : wobbles more than usual. I wasn't sure he'd let me clip them. The groomer usually does it, but it's getting harder to take him to the groomer because of his age, so I thought I'd try it myself, and lo and behold he did let me do it. And it wasn't too hard. You just have to be careful not to clip the blood vessel that dogs have inside their nails. But you can see where it is. I only did a few nails, just enough to help him walk easier, and I will do more tomorrow.

Trying to keep my buddy in good shape as he nears 17 and 1/2. :)

That was all the news for today. Reading my RFK book. Listened to "King Animal" by Soundgarden and worked on my latest drawing. Watched an episode of "Rawhide".

Have another great day tomorrow at the park!

See you in the morning. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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