Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Hi Elizabeth,

I saw your post just now, via Drewsif. What's the deal with these guys and their grilled cheese? :) It's gotta be a Wisconsin thing, but then I saw a post the other day about Marilyn Manson, saying that his favorite food is a grilled cheese sandwich. He was from Ohio and lives in L.A. now. But wait a minute - we do cheese too, here in California (as noted several times), so maybe he became a convert after relocating.

Or maybe it's because everybody loves grilled cheese (and cheese in general).  :)

But those guys in your state swear by it. That's one reason why you guys are #1 in cheese and we are second......

Anyway, I am glad you posted. Post more if you want to.

I am not upset about anything, in case you were wondering. In my blog, I was just trying to "communicate about communication", and was wondering what your take on the issue is, and the other stuff I mentioned.

I forgot to mention in my blog that your portrait of your Mom on Sunday was very nice. I didn't hit the "like" button cause I figured it wasn't my place to do so, but for the record I think your Mom is cool, and a great Mom for supporting you in every way. Also, I saw your post that day about celebrating Mother's Day "in spirit", and it made me think of my Mom, who was awesome as well. Maybe you meant it that way, and if so, thanks. I miss my Mom being here in person, but it's kind of neat because she is with me always.

Well anyway, post more tomorrow if you want.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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