The blackout was the big news of the day. It started about 6:45, all the power went out at Pearl's. This sometimes happens here in the Valley during Summer months, especially on days like today when it's super hot (109), but when we get what they call a "rolling" blackout, it usually just lasts a few minutes, maybe a half hour. I began to worry because almost an hour had gone by, it was now about 7:40 and it was getting dark and hot in Pearl's house. But then we got lucky, the power came back on, thank goodness, so I left to go home and take my evening break as usual, and as soon as I got to Lindley Avenue I could see smoke from a fire that looked to be a few miles away. Not far.
I thought to myself, "maybe it's the DWP" because it was in that direction, and the fire coincided with the blackout. And when I got home, I Googled it, and sure enough it was the Northridge DWP.
Weirdly enough, I had power at my apartment building. The power had been out all the way home, the traffic lights were out, everything. It was still light out at that point so I went to the roof of the Trusty CSUN Parking Garage, my platform for many sunset pictures, and I snapped a couple pics of the smoke.
Because I had power, and because Pearl's power had come back on also, I figured everything was back to normal. But when I went for my walk a while later, I could see that it wasn't. CSUN was totally blacked out. The campus cops had cars parked at certain spots with all their lights flashing, so I didn't follow my usual route through there. Instead I went north toward Lassen, through the neighborhood, but it was pitch black all the way. Only headlights of passing cars could be seen.
Back home, I discovered a big ol' beetle in my apartment. Not John, Paul, George or Ringo, either. This thing had wings. I tried to catch it under a cup but it was too fast. Shades of the Horrible Cricket Infestation of 2014. Thankfully, there is only the one Observed Bug as of this writing. He or she (I hope it's "he" because of the Baby Factor) is hiding somewhere in The Tiny Apartment. I had to break out the glue traps before I came back to Pearl's. Cruel, I know, and I am one of those guys who does really try to catch and release spiders and such rather than kill them, but this thing was enormous. And it had wings.
Gross, I know. I live in an old building from the late 60s/ early 70s. It is not well sealed and bugs get inside during the Roasting Hot Summers when they are looking for water. I'd like to move, but what are you gonna do these days with rents being what they are? I could rent a house in many states for what I am paying on an apartment that amounts to a bedroom and a bathroom, no kitchen. It's crazy, but so is life these days. One day I will have a house to live in (and probably more bugs, lol).
Man, I wanna go to Disneyland so bad. I haven't been there since 2011. I wanna do something fun, and D-Land is #1 on my list. Anybody wanna go with me? SB?
At least I get to sing with the choir tomorrow morn. That is something I always look forward to, despite the Gettin' Up Early. We have a really cool church.
Tomorrow's anthem is another Contemporary Christian song called "Grace Alone". Our director has a somewhat negative attitude toward the schmaltzy aspect of many of the songs in that genre, and I agree with him, especially when you compare them to the historic canon of songs going back to the 18th century. However, this particular song, though simple and contemporary, has a nice melodic structure.
The key is to sing it in a way that dignifies the emotion, rather than just playing to it.
A lot of pop songs do that too. The writers know that certain keys and progressions, with an emotive vocal line, will result in a Tear In The Eye. As a listener, I am susceptible to that format, and I'm sure you are too. But I appreciate it most when it is done with honesty, in a song that is not cloying.
If you, as a musician or singer, can honestly put a tear in the eye of the listener, then you have a rare gift.
Well, on to tomorrow. Supposed to be not quite as hot, only 96.
See you in church.
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