Super tired tonight, running on three hours sleep, but at least I got my Sparks tickets! I had to wake up at 7am to get 'em, but I have an automatic inner alarm clock for things that are important, and it worked. Even though I went to bed late, as always, I woke up at 7:03 without even trying to. Normally that would be REM Sleep Time for me, but anyhow I did manage to score tix for both the first night and the last night, so the end result was perfect, just what I had wanted. It took almost an hour, of clicking and reloading on the AXS ticket service, just because Sparks fans are all as rabid as me, as noted yesterday, and everyone wanted their own tickets, too. Thus it took forever to get through, mainly for the first night. But I did and I am going to two shows, opening and closing, so Hooray! Sparks Rule. :)
Pearl's cleaning lady came at 9, so I wasn't able to recoup much sleep and am Therefore Toast As I Write. I have gotta start getting some Serious Sleep one of these days....
As is the case of late, I don't know if you are reading SB, but if you are I saw your post with the puppy, via James D. It even said, "I Know I Haven't Posted Lately". Another post I saw was about Paul from Megatone. That one made me smile because it reminded me of the Old Days, back in 2013 when you were recording there yourself and all kinds of new things were happening.
No movie tonight. Instead, Grim came over. He wanted to show me a lot of stuff he has taped regarding the Trump Catastrophe over the past few days. Grim is a fan of late night TV; his current favorite is Seth Myers, who apparently goes to town every night bashing this goon. Grim also recorded some Stephen Colbert as well, a segment with Michael Moore.
I've been following the headlines, of course (how can one avoid it if one is online?) and I want to be aware of all of it, though I have made it a point not to wallow in it or to engage it, which is what Trump would want. He wants to antagonise; he wants conflict. I believe you've gotta go above that. I mean, I do. I need to go above it for my own sanity. Obviously, some people are not like me and need to engage it, especially the media and the comedians. Michael Moore noted Trump's "thin skin", and said that the Comedians Of America should, en masse, be skewering him relentlessly. In Moore's view, Trump's psychoses will be so unable to deal with the pile-on that he will resign.
I hope Trump will resign, and soon, like Tomorrow. I have been following the headlines, as noted, but until I saw this coverage that Grimsley presented tonight, of recent Trumpian Events, I was not fully aware of the level of Trump's insanity.
I knew he was an SOB. I knew he was downright Evil. But I was not truly aware that he is also a Lunatic, and certifiably so. In one speech, he called himself second only to Abraham Lincoln in stature.....and was not kidding.
I am not at the point where I am worrying about America, because I know that America is much more than it's President, or even it's politics and it's stupid-ass media. America is a huge, wide open continent, jam-packed in the cities (with crime, and all other attendant problems that the media jump on to promote fear) but sparsely populated out in the open. Most of the land mass of America is fairly sparsely populated. We have enough land where many of the problems created by population-density could be alleviated. But we are allowing ourselves to be dominated and mind-controlled by the media, and the "expert" opinion shapers who dominate the political, social and scientific discourse.
Think of something for a moment.
Think of the Indian societies who lived on this continent for millennia. Not for a few hundred years as we have, but for thousands of years. How did they do it? How did they maintain such an equilibrium for their civilisation?
Well, they didn't have the media, for one. For two, they literally worshipped the land they lived on, and the Great Spirit above that land. They believed in something bigger than themselves.
I don't think most, if any, politicians believe in anything bigger than themselves. And I know that it is a tenet of science to specifically not believe in anything which cannot be sensed, by the tangible senses, or measured.
So nowdays, what you have is that Everyone Is An Expert. Everyone Is An Authority. Politicians have all the solutions, and Science can explain everything.
Egos have become gigantic as a result, because people in Western Society don't believe in anything bigger than themselves, anything more powerful, including the Earth they live on.
And the end result, for America at least, is Donald Trump. I mean, he is not the first Psychopath we have had in office. That would be LBJ, who was a stone cold mass murderer, a guy who killed the President Of The United States. Trump only wishes he had LBJ's power.
But LBJ as bad as he was, was still able to be taken down in 1968, because at that time we still had a halfway honest media (only halfway, mind you) and we still had a public that was not 100% mesmerised, by media, politics and science.
Mesmerised by Issues. To the point of arguing about them, all day every day.
Did the Indians think about Issues all day long, year in and year out?
Or did they live life according to the laws of nature, seeing these as a gift from a higher source?
Well, I shall stop my tirade for the evening cause I am tired.
But I am concerned about America, if not downright worried.
I hope we can get rid of Donald Trump very soon.
And I am glad I'm going to see Sparks in October.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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