Happy Late Night, SB,
I hope you had a good day. I saw a post this morning, via one of your friends, that related to Chester Bennington, not directly (I don't think his name was mentioned) but the subject was very similar to what I was talking about the other night : sensitive people and depression, etc., etc. Your friend is right that people should never internalize dark feelings, especially to the point where they start to rebound on themselves, because then the feelings can self-validate, and a person winds up thinking, "this is the only way out, no one can understand but me". The only thing that can prevent that is release, and I think with these musicians, just writing song lyrics is not enough. They are expected to keep going, never miss a show or professional commitment, keep the road machine going, and so they just suck it up, even though they are severely depressed. And on top of that they are on meds.....
Well, I didn't mean to get off on a grim topic again. I was just mentioning it in reference to your post, because it makes me think that maybe you are still reading this blog after all, or at least some of the time. I've been unsure about that for a couple of months, but if you are still reading that is great. You are always my Sweet Baby no matter what. :):)
Today I went up to Kinko's (now known as Fed Ex but screw that, it'll always be Kinko's haha), to use the automatic photo machine to make a bunch of prints of The Kobedog. I found some good ones going back to about 2014 or so. I even have one of him wearing his little orange pumpkin vest on Halloween a few years ago. I wish I had taken more pics of him than I did, but he was always so "in motion" - it was hard to get him to hold still. He was especially a World Class Sniffer with his nose to the grindstone and his head constantly turning, at least when the camera was pointed at him. But the dozen or so photos I printed are all pretty good. He still rules, and he is even more Kobedogged Out than ever before. :)
I went up to Aliso for a nice walk after finishing at Kinko's. I had the place to myself, and it looked very ancient as always, and I was thinking about the mounds in Ashland, Kentucky that I am reading about, and...........man, would I love to take a road trip and see those. When I go to Aliso, which is now about 100 times a year, or Santa Susana or any of my places, I always wonder whatever happened to all of the people who lived around here a long time ago.
I wind up thinking this because the land, especially at Aliso Canyon, still looks like it must have looked 500 years ago or more. Because of that look, it takes me back in time and makes me think of The People. The Indians and even going back before them.
In Ohio and Kentucky "Mound Country", the mounds are said to have been built by the Adena people, who predate American Indians. That blows my mind, because as a schoolkid, all we knew was The Pilgrims, and before them The Indians. With Columbus as The Discoverer and maybe even Leif Ericson thrown in for good measure.
But our teachers never taught us about the mounds, or the Adena. So who were these people?
There are photographs you can Google that are obviously from the 1800s, and certainly do not look like fakes or photshops, that show archaeologists from that era standing next to skeletons that look to be extremely tall, moreso than today's basketball players. The corresponding info says that they were nine feet tall. These skeletons were unearthed in mounds in Kentucky. The photos I saw were a bit spooky, just because of the Tallness. It looks like a Giant. And the photographs do not look fake.
But to get past The Spookiness (which admittedly is always kind of the fun part), I just find myself wondering "who were these people", because we never hear about them. We know a lot of Indian history, but what about the Adena? And why have these very tall skeletons never been presented, say, in the way Egyptian Mummies are presented, on tour at museums, for public display?
Could it be because, if they put those skeletons on tour and showed them to the public, it might open up a Can Of Worms?
Of course it could! You have hit the jackpot with that answer. :)
Well anyhow, I have gotta get up early for church, but Google "Ashland, Kentucky" if you want, and add to it "Mounds" and "9 foot skeletons", and you will see what I mean.
I am so tired of real human history being hidden from us by a bunch of self-appointed "experts", who do indeed know the truth of what has been found in the past, but who deny it and cover it up because it conflicts with their lame "official" histories.
Anyhow, SB, that is all for tonight. I am glad you are still with me. See you tomorrow after church.
I Love You. :):)
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