Not much to report today. Took Pearl to Golden Agers. No hike, and I guess it's been over week since the last one - I'll have to check my diary. I just haven't been in the mood, but I will try to get back in The Swing Of Things real soon.
SB, if you are there, I didn't see any posts today, but I hope you had a nice day. I know you are doing a ton of stuff this Summer, and I hope you have had a chance to work on your piano/viola duets too. They will make a great second album for you. :)
One of the books I am currently reading is called "Remember The Liberty" by Phillip F Nelson, the guy who wrote the two definitive books about LBJ and the Kennedy assassination. I know I've mentioned him a bunch of times, so I apologise for repeating the same info. His books are so important, however, because the information that is documented (thoroughly researched and verified, zero doubt) shows that we have had incidents in our country's recent history that are every bit as terrible as those that are taught to us as schoolchildren about countries like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
I mean, we all know the history of the United States, and we know about slavery, and the denial of human rights for women, black people and others, for many years. But we think that, for the most part, we have fixed the major social problems of our past. When I was a kid, we saluted the flag every morning in school, and we sang "My Country 'Tis Of Thee". We did both of those things every morning before the teacher began her lessons. I was always proud, in a little boy's way, to salute and to sing about my country. It wasn't something I thought about, once the daily ritual was over, but I am sure it instilled in me, and perhaps in a lot of other children, the idea or even certainty that we lived in a great country. The underlying message was that America was The Greatest Country On Earth. It wasn't that other countries sucked (except Nazi Germany and The Soviet Union, that much was made clear), but simply that the USA was the Land Of Freedom and equal opportunity, and therefore maybe more enlightened than any other country in the world. This is what we were taught as kids. And we were taught about slavery and the civil rights struggle and womens' suffrage and the rest, but the unspoken message was that this all happened in the past. That's why we are teaching it to you in History class. America is a great country that learns from it's past, fixes it's mistakes and moves forward, to lead the rest of the world.
As a result of my public schooling (which was always top notch when I was a kid), I grew up to love my country, after a brief fling with Far Left Stupidism in my 20s.
And I still love my country.
It is not a feeling borne of patriotism, per se, because patriotism only arises when one must rally around one's land, one's home, when a nation of people is threatened or under attack. I have never lived in a time when our nation was under a legitimate threat of attack, and so I have never felt a surge of patriotism, i.e. the idea that my country is not only the best but must crush all countries who dare take us on. That hasn't happened since World War Two, and I wasn't alive then.
And to my great horror, what I have discovered in my research and reading over the past twenty to twenty five years, is that there have been a lot of phoney-baloney false flag operations set up by high level politicians and military officials of the United States in the ensuing decades since WW2, probably starting with the Korean "conflict", but entirely proven and blatant with the Vietnam War, which was begun by fanning the flames over an incident that never happened, called The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident.
That was LBJ's doing, of course, and Robert McNamara's, the Secretary Of Defense at the time.
We all know how awful the Vietnam War was, and how needless. I was basically taught that, too, in elementary school in the late 60s. And we do have freedom of the press, to an extent, and we do have almost 100% Freedom Of Speech, as seen today in our constantly agitated society. Anyone can say anything he or she wants, right?
Wouldn't that be great if it made a difference, and prevented truly Devilish actions like that which befell the military intelligence ship USS Liberty, which was deliberately and overwhelmingly attacked by Israel on June 8, 1967, in an attempt to sink it to the bottom of the Mediterranean Ocean with everyone on board.
When you read this book, and read the testimony of the surviving sailors, who were forced to wait fifty years to have their story told, your belief in what America is supposed to stand for is nearly shattered into a million pieces.
Devilish is the only word I can come up with to describe my opinion of what happened to the Liberty and it's men.
Not just bad, or horrible or awful.
Devilish. As in "The Devil".
Think about that. And take your time doing so.
We give Israel billions of dollars per year in aid, mostly military.
They are said to be one of our greatest allies.
Now, there is no doubt they were "encouraged" into their truly evil attack on a defenseless allied ship, one that was on their side in the Six Day War, by the American President at the time, LBJ (our Hitler).
But Israel has never had to answer for what they did to our sailors, and to that ship, in June of 1967.
And our so-called Free Press, our fake and phoney media, has never mentioned it.
If Our Lord Jesus Christ were running the press, it would be front page news (as would every other atrocity), but you might think that, in a country that has admitted the wrongs of slavery, that the sorry excuse that passes for our "press" might - at least - bring up the subject of the USS Liberty, even though it happened 50 years ago. In fact, a 50 year anniversary might be the time to come clean and tell the truth. Of course, there is that bewildering, neverending, unconditional and very costly support for Israel to be taken into account, which might explain why this story has never been told on the nightly news.
But more likely than that, the story of The Liberty has never been told because, as complicit as Israel was in the Horrific Attack That They Carried Out, on American sailors - an attack that can only be described as Devilish - the orders for the attack came from America herself, from The President Of The United States.
Orders to the Israeli military to attack and sink our own ship, The USS Liberty, so that the United States, under Lyndon Johnson, would have an excuse to bomb Egypt into the Stone Age. Because that's who they were gonna blame the attack on - Egypt..
That's how a false flag operation works. It was probably invented at the beginning of warfare, but it was used more prominently and recently in Nazi Germany.......
And it has been the USA which has perfected it.
Pure Devilry. No other word will suffice. It's The Devil, and all you have to do is read the book to understand this. And to understand that the work of The Devil has been buried, as it often is.
I love this country. I sang "My Country 'Tis Of Thee" every day in elementary school. I saluted the American Flag, and I still do, anytime the salute is presented, at ballgames or Hollywood Bowl concerts.
My Dad served in World War Two, to help defeat the worst evil the world has ever faced.
I am a 400 Year American, as per my ancestry.
And though I am not a member of the press, and therefore have little power to convey a message, I will be damned if I'm gonna be silent after reading what I've read in "Remember The Liberty".
This is America.
These truths need to be told. They have to be told, on National News, to the whole world.
We need to throw out all the no-good politicians and bums of every sort who are preventing this from happening. Of course, life being what it is, I know it is a difficult task to accomplish.
But until we do, we are nothing more than a Great Nation hiding Devilish Secrets. Think about that if you will. And read about The Liberty if you have a chance. ////
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