I am sending out a search party for the SB, as she seems to have vanished into thin air. Seriously though, Elizabeth, the main thing for me is that I just hope you are okay and nothing bad has happened. Post if you want and when you want, and don't post if you don't feel like it, but please if something is really wrong, let me know. (please)
And it doesn't matter what it is, because I will understand. I have had a fair amount of experience in my life with difficult stuff, and I'm a good listener. I'm just sayin'.
This afternoon I took Pearl and The Kobester to Lake Balboa. Both have difficulty walking any kind of distance anymore, so I pushed Pearl in the wheelchair with one arm while carrying The Pinscher in the other. That method works pretty good in speeding up the process of getting around the lake, but we still have to stop and take breaks because Kobi is kinda heavy for a little guy, and it's like carrying a bowling ball in the crook of your arm, and a wiggly one at that. So, we pushed part way around the main path, stopping every so often to set The 'Ster down in the grass and to sit and watch the ducks, gulls and pigeons. It was a nice day and not too hot, mid-80s. We will go back to the park on the 4th of July. It will be jam-packed then, and close to impossible to find a parking space, but we will find one and it will be fun. I love The 4th (don't we all) and of course I will go that night to the Shepherd Of The Hills fireworks show as I have been for the last ten years or so.
Tomorrow morning in church we have a slightly challenging song to sing. It's called "A Joyful Song Of Praise" and it has that "contemporary Christian" pop sound, but it is a lungfull. It is syllables and syllables and more syllables, all sung in a high register. So it's closer to rock singing than the legato stuff we've been working on in past weeks. This one is easier to sing, overall, but the breathing is harder.
I plan on nailing it, however. Been practicing in the car all week. :)
I like to practice Beatles songs in the car, too. "Hey Jude" is a good one. Paul McCartney of course has one of the greatest voices in rock history, and he can also "throw" his voice like a ventriloquist and do everything from ultra low bluesy bass like "Lady Madonna" or crazy screaming on "Helter Skelter" to note perfect English tenor, on songs like "Penny Lane". And that's my favorite, the choirboy style, ultra clean and on pitch. I probably wouldn't make much of a hard rock singer. I have the lungs for it but not the throat, but what I can do is the choirboy clean stuff, which is why I like to practice those kinds of Beatles songs and also Greg Lake ELP stuff like "Jerusalem". All while driving in the car, of course. No sense in getting the neighbors worked up, I don't think. :)
Well, search party notwithstanding, I hope you had a good day. Maybe you are working on new music or another project? Just as long as it was a good day, that is the most important.
Maybe see you on FB tomorrow? I hope so. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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