I'm reading a book called "Inside The Real Area 51 : The Secret History Of Wright-Patterson". Wright-Pat, as they call it, is an air force base near Dayton, Ohio, long suspected by UFO buffs as being the hiding place for the Roswell wreckage. I've read a dozen or more books on Roswell and have kind of exhausted the subject, but I checked this one out from The Libe because of the Wright-Pat aspect and also because the authors, Thomas Carey and Donald Schmitt, are two of the better ones where Roswell is concerned. Of course, you don't really know nowdays how much info in such a book is truth (or an approximation of it) or simply outright disinformation ( a deliberate mixture of small amounts of truth with curiosity-inducing fabrications, designed to confuse the interested reader and generally make a myth or a mockery out of a given controversial subject). Disinformation is a favorite tactic of the CIA and one never knows for certain who is working for them, including and especially members of the media, or authors, anyone disseminating information. The CIA is all about Information Control.
But having said that, this book is semi-interesting, simply because the authors seem hell-bent on driving home their point : that the remains of the Roswell Flying Saucer and the bodies of the poor little guys who were piloting and riding in it (and who died in the crash) are all still being stored at Wright-Patterson to this day.
I began the book kind of thinking, "Ho Hum, not much new here", because Roswell is the prototype of all UFO/Government Conspiracy stories, and because I've read all the books, including Col. Phillip Corso's very interesting confessional book, supposedly written on his deathbed, which turned out (so they say) to be Total 100% Disinformation and a bunch of baloney. Apparently Corso was a Company Man to the end, writing a last minute book to confuse people and throw them off track, which is what the CIA wants (always).
But as I have gotten about two thirds of the way through it, I am forming a different opinion. And this is because the authors have uncovered and had access to several obscure (formerly unknown) witnesses, who have testified to them about what they saw. These are pilots who were stationed at the base, a secretary who filed highly classified information, even the base commander. These people were all very elderly when interviewed, and unlike Col. Corso, they seem to be telling the truth. I mean, you can't know for sure, but what you can go by (if you are me) is the "ring of truth" test. Does a particular story have that Ring Of Truth? These do.
I believe that the Roswell UFO and perhaps bodies as well were, and maybe still are, stored at Wright-Pat.
But I have a "pet-peeve" of a question, one that has bugged me for a while now, concerning the Aliens themselves and the construction of their spaceships. No one ever talks about this.
These guys are shrimps, by all accounts. They have scrawny bodies, sticklike arms and legs. And yet they can construct Flying Saucers that weigh perhaps 30-50 tons for the small ones, and God Only Knows How Many Megatons for the ones that are as big as football fields or even bigger : Flying Cities.
My question is : How, and where, do they do that? Think of our human shipbuilding facilities. We have humongous factories with giant machines to smelt and prepare the steel, and then other factories to put it all together to make a ship. The guys that work there - humans - are macho men (big or smaller), who have homes, maybe families, they go to work, bring a lunch, work on building an aircraft carrier all day. Then they go home again.
No one ever talks about how the Aliens might construct their airships. Again, these are tiny little guys with very thin arms and legs. They don't seem to wear clothes. They do not seem rugged, in other words, or built for hard physical work. Is there a factory on Mars, or Alpha Centauri, where a bunch of Small Guys work, building a massive UFO? Do they go home after a day's work? Do they live in houses, in cities? We are usually shown, in movies, Aliens living in hives of some kind. So if they can build a factory, aren't they civilised enough to have homes and cities? Or are they just brilliant insects? This is the part that bugs me.
I do believe in UFOs, though I'm not sure I've ever seen one. And I do believe in Aliens, or whatever you want to call them, because I'm pretty sure I have seen one. But I wonder if maybe they are just doing the flying and exploring, and have somebody else building the craft for them. Otherwise, where's the factories? Where are the cities? (Oh, yeah, I know about the photos of the Moon and Mars, and it's pretty obvious that there were civilisations on both at one time, or in the case of the Moon, at least there was a base or station there). But those photos show ancient ruins. And I still don't believe that Scrawny Naked Little Guys who are four feet tall could, or would, work in factories to build flying machines that some have reported are over a mile long.
This problem bugged me even more when I saw the otherwise excellent Alien movie "Arrival" last year. Great movie, right? I thought so. But when I left, I thought, "wait a minute - how could those guys on the ships, who looked like Giant Octopi, build these huge sophisticated spaceships?
They didn't even have hands! Or legs or feet.
So I rest my case.
Maybe they've got Humans up there, or Bots, or somebody else, building the things for them. And then they get inside and fly them around, using only their minds as a control system.
And the workers are the ones who go home for dinner every night, after a day in the UFO Factory, in the Cities On Mars, or wherever.
None of what you have just read has been disinformation.
Just look up in the sky at night. Do you really think we're the only ones in the whole joint?
I didn't think so. :)
That's all for tonight.
I think maybe the SB has been taken away on a spaceship....I'll be looking up to see if I can find her.
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