Monday, July 10, 2017

Good Singing + Beware The Secret Keepers

Mega-tired, as usual on Sunday night (cause of getting up early for church) but the singing was good and we had a good rehearsal also. Besides our weekly anthems, I am really enjoying becoming more familiar with the hymns. It's taken me a couple of years to learn and remember them all. or at least the ones we sing on a rotating basis over the course of a year. My favorites are the ones that have a melody line that seems to play off of organ counterpoint, with a lot of vocal "jumps". A famous one in this style is "All Creatures Of Our God And King". I love to sing that song, and it is the perfect example of what I am talking about. It has a very English sound, like "Jerusalem" or "Holy, Holy, Holy". My favorites are all the ones where you can "go up the ladder" vocally, with some jumps, so that you can ascend up into the high register. "All Creatures" is a goosebump song for me.

I miss writing to the SB.

SB, if you are out there, I miss writing to you, asking about your day, etc.

I need to start thinking earlier in the day about topics, so that I am not just starting at half past Midnight going, "what am I gonna write about"?

When I have a movie to report I can always talk about that. Tonight I did not watch a movie, but I did watch a classic episode of "Outer Limits" from Season Two (1964). It was called "The Duplicate Man", and was really far out. A scientist has a clone made of himself in order to catch a very dangerous Alien he had secretly imprisoned, and which has escaped. Sounds weird, eh? It almost falls into the "What Were They Smokin' ?" category, but it is actually well done, with a very thoughtful script and the Usual Great Television Acting From That Era.

One of these days I've gotta get back to my research about 1989. What I really need in that regard is the help of a professional researcher, or at least someone who can help me with FOIA requests. I go about my life and try to enjoy it on a daily basis, and of course I realise - I know - that I have been blessed many times over in so many ways, and so I do try to focus on each new day and all the beauty it brings.

But then, from just out of the Daily Spotlight, a small voice will call to me saying "Hey, had something happen to you which was almost beyond comprehension. Aren't you going to do anything about it? You are almost 60 years old. It happened half your life ago. What are you waiting for? Time goes by"...........

And I know I need to do something, but there really isn't much I can do. How does one go up against the military? Against the Feds? Against a secret group that no one knows who they are?

As my knowledge of 1989 has evolved since I wrote my book in 2006, I have come to realise more than anything that Whatever The Hell It Was, "What Happened In Northridge" had to do with The Feds, and something Beyond Top Secret they were interested in protecting. Was it as Top Secret as Roswell?

Hell yeah.

That's why you've never heard Word One about it. Not word freakin' one.

So I need some help; a top-of-the-line researcher like Dr. Farrell or someone of his ilk.

I don't think about 1989 in depth all the time like I used to, but still, not a day goes by when I do not at least have it "at the surface". I used to think, long ago, that it all evolved out of drug deals and other youthful shenanigans.

But as my research evolved over the years, and thus my analysis, I kept thinking about The Feds.

Why were the Feds on the scene so quickly, at that apartment building? They were on the scene in less than two hours, I would estimate. One day, I would like to talk to Ann. She was actually present with me that night, and may have recollections that could help.

But Federal Agents (agency unknown to me) were on the scene, when in any other situation of that type, police would have been there.

My memory has come back in a bit more detail since I wrote my book.

I have wondered if it was all a set-up, and if I was part of an experiment of some kind. I know I have brought this up several times before. Sorry.

But I just feel like I was part of an experiment, and that the Federal people who took part in it, don't give a hoot about me. I was left to twist in the wind, for almost 30 years.

Despite what I remember, I basically have no idea what happened to me, or especially Why.

Why did it happen?

I need to know before I get too much older. That's "Need" to know, as in, "I have to know", so that when my time finally comes (hopefully at a ripe old age) I can die in peace.

To the people who induced amnesia in me, and caused me to forget what happened to me, I can only say : "You guys are The Devil Himself".

But one day, God will resolve the situation, and at that point I'd rather be me than you.

Beware the Secret Keepers, my Fellow Americans. They are our worst enemy.

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