Hi Elizabeth,
I am home from choir. I just wanted to say that before we left for church this morning, maybe before 8 am actually, I saw a post from you on FB. It looked like it had just been posted, too, and since you don't usually make posts that early, I thought maybe you wanted me to see it. It's just a simple "like" post of the Quercus Land Stewardship page, and it looks like they have a cover picture of a controlled burn - maybe even one of your pictures - so maybe that is why you liked it. Also, I know for sure you are interested in the environment, so maybe that's all it meant.
But I just thought that maybe, because it came up right after I turned on the computer at Pearl's, that perhaps you wanted me to see it, and in that case maybe the "like" also meant that I was right after all, in my "esp" blog about the tattoos having to do with the t-shirt.
Anyway, I just guessing, but I thought I'd respond just in case that's what you meant. I'll be here til about 3:45pm, then I've gotta leave a little early to stop at Target before heading back to Pearl's. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
(back in a bit)
7:40pm : Just to say hi again. It's raining pretty good right now, so I'm just reading my book. Maybe go for my walk if the rain stops for a while. Thinking about you........
11pm : Hi again. I am at Pearl's (of course). It's still raining. The Black Kitty is inside and snoozing in the laundry room. I guess she can stay, so long as the Kobester doesn't wake up. Anyway, I hope I didn't overstep my bounds by posting a :):) song on FB just now.
I am making some brown rice for a late night snack, so I am gonna check on it and add a few things (chiles, etc.) Then I'll be back in a few minutes. :):)
11:35pm : Aww, heck.......I didn't mean it to be such a big deal. I know that sounds ridiculous, because that initial blog probably read as pretty severe, but words on a page are interpreted without the benefit of tone of voice, and all that stuff we've talked about before.
Me and my opinions, I realise. I don't wanna go off on a tangent or even go any further on the subject, but just to briefly analyse it, it was like "boom-boom-boom", 1-2-3 : the guy had invited you to come visit him (which I just tried to ignore), and then you weren't posting much since you got back, and then there he was all of a sudden, as a "liked" post by you. It was just a button-pusher kind of thing, though I know you didn't mean it.
I don't know how to explain it. It's like my whole life is run on intuition. Call it esp or just an ability to size things up - situations and people. Whatever it is, it's the way my brain works, and of course my heart is involved, too. But it's like my mind is controlled entirely by my sixth sense......and it feels to me like it's always in sharp focus. That's probably irritating, I know.
You can trust that my heart is in the right place, though.
I am kind of a "me and you against the world" kind of guy, except I would change that to "me and you within the world", because I am not an against type of person. Not at all. I am the opposite of that. But I think that, because the "inner me" is run entirely by my psi (call it train of thought if you like), I tend to tune in on a compatible person, you in this case, and I don't tune in on all the vibes of all the people who "surround" a relationship, and in this case - our case - I will let you define in whatever way you see this relationship as of now. For me, all I know is that I love you. I have never met you, never spoken to you, and yet the feeling is still there. That's pretty amazing, and that's the power of love, and in this case, of psi.
But because I am at a distance, I am not part of your circle of friends. That's okay, and not a problem in the least, but when it comes to the Internet, it has not always been easy for me to be communicating every day, but indirectly, while others do talk to you, and some just aren't on my wavelength, so to speak.
You will see what I mean as you go along in life, and I don't mean that in a holier-than-thou, age-related way, but just in a practical way. As you go along, you will narrow (yes, even you, the super social Sag, lol) your circle, because you will come to see that many folks just aren't on the same wavelength as yourself, and others, you will discover, are just downright wasting your time.
Because I am an opposite social personality - due to my innate shyness, possibly - I have always been wary of certain people, and I really could not give you a general catagorisation, it's really just on an individual basis.
Maybe I'm too hard on people, I dunno. But, I have seen people in action, so sometimes I think maybe I'm too nice. That's what my Dad said about me. Nice as in naive. But I'm really not, and I'm really not anything that is extreme, personality-wise.
I like people fine, for the most part. It's just that I prefer to relate to just a few, and very closely. Too many people equals too many vibes, and too many scattered vibes. I do best with a small, tight family of friends, and also in a one-on-one relationship. I am more the type to spend time with just my girlfriend, than at a party with my girlfriend and a whole bunch of mutual friends and acquaintances and hangers-on.
But having said all of that, I know that everything about me is just that - just me. And I know that not everyone thinks like I do. You do, in a great many ways, which is one of the reasons why I love you and why, I think, we have always gotten along so well. Pretty much so, anyway.
But at any rate, me being me, and understanding that my opinions are just that - my own - I don't expect you to agree with me on everything or even anything in particular. I have tried, through all these blogs I've written, to give you a sense of what I think, what I know (for whatever that is worth), what I hope for and what I see in my mind's eye, and I have done so because you and I are definitely on the same wavelength, and because I have thought that is it awesome to watch, and to help (even if just a little bit) you become what you want to become in your life. That has been incredibly awesome for me to see, Elizabeth, and that too is something you will get an even greater perspective on, as you go forward in life. I am a young person in an (almost) 55 year old body, so to contribute anything to your life is a huge gift for me.
In the society we live in, to find anyone interested not only in intelligent subjects, but also in abstract thought and pushing the boundaries of philosophy, is pretty rare, and also amazing. That's why I focus on you, and on those things. And I am watching you become what you want to become in your life, so how awesome is that, for me?
Anyhow, I hope this all makes sense. I have written enough for tonight, so I will sign off for now and hopefully see you in the morning. I will be glad when the rain stops, lol, and I am gonna miss the parched look of the hillsides and trails that I visit, but I am glad that it might help California avoid water rationing this Summer...... :)
I Love You, Elizabeth. That's the bottom line, as always, more important than anything else.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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