Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a good weekend. We had good singing in church this morning, and then this afternoon my sister Vickie came over for the first time in a few months. We did a little shopping and went to the Total Wine store, which is a huge place with hundreds of different wines and craft beers. My sister always likes to go to the wine tastings they have, so we did that (oh boy!). :)
That's about all the news on my end, except for the debate. If you saw it, well, it was about what you would've expected. Trump "did better" (so they say) because his handlers got him to stay focused and not fly off the handle, and Hillary stayed calm and kept her focus on policy issues for the most part. Trump attacked her mercilessly, even saying at one point that he'd have her put in jail if he were President.
The only bummer for him is that he won't be. He is gonna get creamed, and the election is only four weeks away now. After November 8th, we won't have to hear about this lowbrow anymore, and maybe the Republicans can do some soul-searching and figure out why they allowed their party to be highjacked into choosing him to begin with......
I saw a few posts of yours today, all music oriented. One for Knotfest (which just played here, with Ozzfest). Are you gonna go to that one? I also saw one for Stitched Up Heart, and I know you are going to that one.
The other post I saw was the Power Rangers pic. :)
James would have fit in perfectly back in the days of Creem Magazine, when rock stars were always doing crazy poses and mugging for the camera. To be a rock star, you have to be a bit of a character, and he is definitely that!
Speaking of concerts and rock stars, I am seeing a lot of posts from people who went to Desert Trip, the big weekend show out here with The Stones, McCartney, et al, and the more I read the more I am glad I didn't go.
Super expensive. 150 miles away. Way out in the desert, which is fine for a road trip or sightseeing but definitely No Fun when you have to stand in the dust all day in the middle of a huge crowd. And most of all, it looked like a Yuppie Trip : people with a lot of money who generally don't go to concerts but went to this one Because It Was The Thing To Do. Not hard core rock fans, in other words.
Might as well have been a gigantic Jimmy Buffet yacht rock weekend, from what I can see.
So I ask of you, SB, to always be a hard core fan to the bands you like and love, at concerts both large and small. A concert is never something to "be seen" at. Concerts are always about the bands, not the audience, though it is the audience that powers the bands with their energy.
Anyhow, I obviously know that You Of All People know that, because you are a hardcore fan as well as a Total Pro.
Sorry for the mini-tirade, but : down with Yuppie Concert Festivals.
Tonight's listening : "A Moon Shaped Pool" by Radiohead. Wow. This has been a great year for music and it just keeps getting greater. This album came out a few months ago but I hadn't heard it until tonight (just got it in the mail yesterday). Radiohead is a special listen, because they sound so different, mainly because of Thom Yorke's vocals and also their rhythms, which can be frantic and hypnotic at the same time. This album is smoother than some of their others, but the structures and melodies are ultra beautiful.
So that was my day. Hoping to get a hike in soon, and new pix.
See you in the morn. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxox :):)
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