Happy Late Friday Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope your weekend is off to a good start and it was nice to see your photo this morning of what I am guessing is a new client band? If so, congrats! You have quite a roster now. I also liked the alley location. I remember on one of my Metrolink train trips to Hollywood and Los Angeles a while back, I was shooting old buildings, and I was also purposely looking for old, decrepit or industrial looking alleyways, and I found a cool one off Hollywood Boulevard that I took a pic of and posted on Flickr. Three classic band backdrops are : alleys, train tracks, and brick walls. And when using those backdrops, bands have gotta look like tough hombres - like guys you wouldn't wanna run into in a dark alley! In a tongue-in-cheek way, of course.....can't have 'em looking like psychos, just more like "we mean business". :)
Today was all business for me, still no hikes or anything otherwise. Pearl's hairdresser was finally back from Vietnam after five weeks, so I took Pearl there, and I was also supposed to take The Kobester to see his heart specialist veterinarian. Kobe is on heart pills and anti-seizure pills, though you'd never know it because even at (almost) 17, he's still a wild man. But I had to postpone his appointment because the car wouldn't start. I called AAA and the guy said the battery was dead, so the rest of the afternoon was spent getting it replaced.
I saw a post a little while ago that said "another day at the office" and showed a room very much like the pics I have seen of your own music room, with a keyboard and chair set against the wall. So maybe you mean that you, too, are working on music in your "office".
I know I say it a lot, but I have gotta say it again.
I just think it's fantastic that you are doing what you love to do.
You just "went for it" right out of college and art school, and it is happening.
But as we had discussed while you were still in college, that is precisely the method by which it works.
You follow your bliss.
And you did.....
Well, that's all I know for tonight. I'm still watching "Under The Dome", up to Season Three now and I think it's great. A show where anything can happen.
I will see you in the morning. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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