Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Just Saying Hi

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a good day. I saw your post of the Versus Me photo this morning, of them on tour, and at first I wondered if you were out there with 'em. :) But then I thought that you probably would've said something. It's great that they are touring, though, and you will be too, with one client or another.

Today was just a regular workday for me. I took Pearl to the doctor this afternoon, just for a checkup. She is doing well, good BP and normal blood levels for her age, etc. They want to do a bone density test, a once-a-year thing for patients with osteoporosis, so that is scheduled for Wednesday.

Once the new year hits, and the days get longer, I will hope to be back out on the trails again.

I saw one other post, of your friend's cover version of the Florence and The Machine song. Since I haven't seen you post that girl before, I am guessing she is either a new client or that the post is a reference that you are recording a new cover yourself.  :)

Well, that's all for tonight.

I Love You and hope all is going well.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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