Happy Late Night, my Darling,
I hope your day was a good one, whether in Colorado, Wisconsin or in between. :) I went in search of a new trail this afternoon. I saw a picture that someone had posted on the Santa Susana Field Lab Facebook page, of what looked like an Indian cave. It had a bunch of graffiti inside, which was gross, but whoever posted it commented that it was located on a trail in Dayton Canyon, at the end of Roscoe Boulevard, which would put it about two miles south of Santa Susana State Park. I had never heard of Dayton Canyon, and had never been down to the end of Roscoe because it doesn't look accessible. It just trails off into what looks like an old, single lane private road. Having passed it over the years, I always figured it led to someone's ranch or something. But I checked Google Street View today, and that road does indeed widen out as it goes over a hill, and it becomes a residential street like any other, a public street. And that's where the trailhead to Dayton Canyon is.
So I drove out there.........and couldn't access it because the road was closed. They are building a new housing development there, and so it will probably be closed for a while.
Oh well. The housing development bugs me more than the road closure. I am not a fan of developers, as you know, and I thank God that the Santa Susana site is apparently protected by the State of California, and also by a strong Chumash Indian lobby, or the developers would probably be razing it to the ground as well. Anyhow, I kept driving another couple of miles and ended up at El Scorpion Open Space, home of the Cave of Munitz, and had a short but very nice hike there. Man, that place is Bee Central! You can hear that omnipresent hummmmmmm throughout the park. Good thing I'm no longer terrified of bees...... :)
That was my day, except for the usual reading and shows, tonight an episode of "The Loner". I am not too sure about my Michael Salla "Secret Space Program" books, one of which I bought and one of which I got from The Libe. I think I mentioned that his main source for info, in the first book anyway, is a guy named Corey Goode. Reading about his supposed exploits, I was thinking "this guy is a disinformation artist". For the record, I do believe there is a secret space program, and that there is stuff on the moon we haven't been told about by NASA, and it's quite obvious from NASA photos alone that there are anomalies on Mars that cannot be "explained away". There is a lot of fantastic stuff out there, in other words, and NASA knows about it and won't share it. But Corey Goode talks about Reptilians (ala David Icke), and that he was "an empath" for a secret government group that had him "time travel" to "other star systems"..........and that's where I get off the boat.
There is a lot of good info in the Michael Salla books, especially about the Nazi effort to build UFOs in the 1930s & 40s, which is well documented elsewhere. But the Corey Goode stuff is pure fantasy, designed to sell to (and fool) the New Age crowd, of which I am not a member. Those are all the people who - every one of them - has been abducted and implanted by Aliens, and have been "given a message" of some sort or another. They are a dime a dozen, and all phoney baloney.
A real story, like what happened here in September 1989, doesn't even get acknowledged, much less talked about.
But anyhow.....
I saw one post today, about "it's insane how much life has changed in one year", and there is no doubt about it! And that's because you drove down the road with the sign marked "Artist - this way --->".
And on that road, there is no turning back, only forward. :)
That's all for tonight! See you in the morn.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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