Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Quiet Day + Horror In The Morn + "The Devil, Probably" + Whitacre

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a nice, relaxing post-Thanksgiving day. I always avoid the Black Friday craziness and I'm guessing you do too. I am not immune to sale prices, lol, it's just that there aren't that many things I want to buy, and if I did I would probably do it online. :)

Well anyway, I had a nice day myself. Pretty quiet, slept in till 10am then read my Charles Grant book. I've gotta have my Horror Stories upon awakening, Sweet Baby. I just can't start the day without 'em. :)

I jest, because it's only my latest fad, begun when I started rereading Stephen King's "It" last Summer. I would read ten pages or so upon awakening, and it started this latest trend. So when I finished that incredible book I had to keep going, and I figured I'd try some Grant, whom I had not read since the 90s, and he is working out very nicely for me, thank you very much. :)

So for now, for the Time Being, it's Horror In The Morning.......just ten pages or so, don't worry......

Later in the afternoon I took a walk down to the duck pond. CSUN is always deserted on Thanksgiving weekend, so I had the place to myself, and we have had gorgeous weather the past two days.

Tonight's movie was Bresson's penultimate film : "The Devil, Probably". We will be seeing it next Thursday at the CSUN Cinematheque, but my friend who attends the screenings made me a dvd of the film, so I figured I'd watch it ahead of schedule, because Bresson's films require more than a single viewing anyway.

It is certainly a great film, the more I think about it.

But man, it sure was depressing. The story centers around a French teenager who is part of a group of students who are rebelling politically against The Establishment, which in France has always been just as conservative as in any other major world power. But this particular teen doesn't want to rebel. He sees it as pointless, and would rather do nothing. And his "philosophy" goes downhill from there.

After watching the uplifting adventure films I've seen this week, and also "Prince Valiant" which was a blast, I wish I'd had something less bleak to watch. Bresson is not usually this forlorn. But because it was a Bresson film, it was extremely well done, and I am still thinking about it as I write.

But during my next week off, for the Christmas holiday, it's gonna be nothing but Frank Capra, Judy Garland and Santa Claus. And maybe some Scrooge, too. At least his story has a happy ending!

So, that was about the extent of my day, and starting tomorrow morn I will be back at work. What a week, though, with the movies I've seen and the beyond-incredible ARW concert a few days ago.....

I saw your Eric Whitacre post this morning, which made me happy all by itself, but I also watched the video and listened to the music, That is singing on par with the Roger Wagner Chorale, one of the greatest vocal ensembles of all time. A stunning composition as well, and because I am learning to sing, I noticed a couple things that to me were very impressive because they seem so hard. One thing was a section near the midway point, where a drone note was carried by a single male voice (or maybe a few) for a substantial amount of time. We have parts in some of our church songs - obviously nowhere near the difficulty of the Whitacre material - where we have to do "vowel" singing, usually "oooohs" extending over a long section of music, as backup to the lead melody of the sopranos. I find those parts extremely hard, and single extended drone notes are even harder, because of the vocal sustain required. So to hear those singers was very impressive. The other thing I was majorly impressed by was the pianissimo singing near the end. You have sung choir, SB, and you know how difficult it is to do that. It is probably a little easier if you have a full choir with a lot of singers, but even so, just to maintain tone and diaphragm pull at that low volume and soft dynamic is very difficult. That's why I wanna keep getting better, haha.

Well, that's all I know for tonight. I will see you in the morn, back on regular schedule.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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