Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I am hanging in there, and I hope you are too. I don't know if you supported Hillary or not, but I know for sure you didn't support the abominable Trump, and so we both are affected. Half of America is, really (and it's nice to see that Hillary won the popular vote), so it's no surprise that mass protests broke out tonight all over the country. Oh what?, now just because Trump made a "conciliatory" acceptance speech, we're all just supposed to reconcile and welcome him into the Presidency?
No Way, Jose. Not after all the many, many hateful and ugly things he said, all through his campaign, that hurt and offended so many people. He is pure scum, a very bad man. He is not welcome in the White House, home to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Franklin D. Rooseveldt and other giants of American Statesmanship. Trump is a no good bum, and we will not forget what he said and did to get himself "elected".
Sorry to be so upset, SB, but this is important. It is important because people think America is infallable. We think, "oh, takeovers and coups only happen in other countries. We could never have Fascism, we could never have a dictator".
Oh yeah? Was anybody listening to what this monster actually said and did during the last 16 months?
He encouraged bigotry. He cheered on violence at his rallies. He is on tape admitting to assaulting women. And all those folks who voted for him Do Not Care About Any Of It.
SB, that's how Adolph Hitler got started, by rabble rousing and encouraging the same things Trump has. And Hitler got "elected" because he had a lot of support too. Hitler and Trump made it okay for bigots and other hateful people to come out of the closet. In a civilised society, which we have under most Presidents, hateful people keep their thoughts to themselves, lest they "stand out" amongst all the good people of this country. But under Trump, now they have a President who has openly voiced his support and agreement for all their prejudices. Sweet Baby, that is exactly how Hitler started.
This guy has got to be stopped, and I predict he will be. He will not make it through his four year term. I don't mean that he will be stopped by violence, because I don't wish for that, but he will be stopped by protest upon protest, and finally, someone in the Establishment - because he has pissed off both Republicans as well as Democrats - is gonna dig up some dirt on his business dealings, or his behavior with women. It's just a matter of time, and he has generated such enmity toward so many that it is bound to happen.
And it must happen. Trump must be stopped, and he must not be allowed to proceed unimpeded with his agenda, which includes scrapping environmental regulations, to allow corporations to pollute at will.
He is an American Monster, our Hitler, and he's just playing nice today with his phony concilliatory sppech because he knows he has to say those things. But once he gets in office, he will do exactly as he has wanted, and with Mafioso East Coast thugs and criminals like Rudolph Giuliani and Chris Christie to help him.
I don't usually get riled up about politics, but this time I feel it is important to say these things. Had Jeb Bush or one of the other legitimate candidates won, I would have said, "oh well, we tried".
But this guy is not legit. I don't care how many rednecks voted for him. They would have voted for the Duck Dynasty guy had he been running.
So Trump must be stopped, and he will be. His Presidency will be toast from the start, and he will not finish his term.
That's the end of my rant for tonight.
I don't know if you are still in Arizona or back home, but I loved the picture of the Eagles in the tree. I know how much you love those birds, too, and that makes me happy. :)
See you in the morning. Post if you can.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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