Happy Late Night, my Darling,
Yes, I wish you a happy night even though the night itself isn't a happy one. Not much can be said about the unexpected outcome except that we are all in shock. We thought we had it in the bag. I myself am truly stunned, and I would almost say heartbroken except that I am too stoic to be heartbroken by an election result, having been through the wringer in 2000 when George W. Bush stole the Presidency from Al Gore. I also went through eight years of Ronald Reagan (who would actually be a Godsend now compared to the thoroughly rotten Trump). So I'm too stoic to be heartbroken, but I'm close to that condition. Call me "extremely disappointed and disheartened" in addition to being stunned to my core.
Also, because I am as big a fan of the Clintons as you will find, I am most of all disappointed for Hillary. If I am heartbroken, it is for her. She fought her heart out - not once but twice (2008) and we all thought she was gonna win going away this time, because Donald Trump is so repulsive, a genuinely mean-spirited and ugly person. Who would vote for him, right?
Tonight's result says a lot of unfortunate things about America, and it may seem very scary right now. People - millions of them - voted for this person despite all the disparaging things he said about so many groups of people. Tonight, America voted for a bully, and not only that, but a guy who will have no idea how to be the President. He has no experience, and as we saw during his campaign, he has no plan, except to put a wall up along the Mexican border. Good luck with that.........
So this is a guy who, now that he has gotten his wish, won't even be able to play with the toy (the Presidency) he has just pulled out of the box. He doesn't have the ability to be President, a fact his rabid and angry followers were all too eager to overlook.
All of these angry, angry people.
I would like to ask them, "what are you so angry about"?
You live in America, not Syria or Sudan. You have cars and houses.
I can understand a Republican vote and I have nothing against Republicans. I could have understood a Mitt Romney Presidency or a Jeb Bush Presidency.
But I'd like to ask the Republicans, "what was it about Donald Trump that caused you all to vote for him in such overwhelming numbers"?, because lets face it, he creamed Hillary Clinton. We thought it was gonna be the other way around.
I think I know all the answers to why they voted for Trump in such numbers, and it was basically because he allowed them, with all his prejudices and anger, to come out of the woodwork. Now they had a candidate who didn't hide his feelings; about non-Whites, about women, even disabled people.
Even disabled people!!
What a colossal a-hole.
So all of that, all those reasons, is why I am hurting for America tonight. I am not terrified because we made it through eight years of both Reagan and GWB, and we survived. But I do have trepidation because Trump is by far an All Time Low. He is what I will call Hitler Lite.
Lucky for us he's not as bright - nor even as angry - as Hitler, nor are his followers. Thank God.
We will make it through Trump, and I would bet we won't have to wait eight years. He is a disaster waiting to happen. The world is not Reality TV. The Presidency is the hardest job in the world, and he is not up to it. He will go down the tubes, just watch.
We, on the other hand, still have a lot going for us. We have each other, most importantly. You and I, and all of us. We have each other, and we are not going anywhere. We are not giving up or giving in, to ignorance and anger. Remember Dad's famous saying : "Everyone is not entitled to their own opinion"! And that is true because, despite the right to vote no matter your IQ level, it's just a fact of life that Stupid People aren't good at running things, and especially running the World.
Anger and prejudice will only get you so far, all you American Trump voters.
What we have, on the other hand, is intelligence and values, real Christian values (even for those of us who aren't Christian), meaning that we don't operate out of anger and hatred, or racism and mysoginy, but out of love and inclusion.
We are also stoic. We don't throw tantrums. We just endure. We don't go away.
I always call myself "Marine Corps" because that is my value system.
Semper Fi. Always loyal, don't leave anyone behind.
So, Sweet Baby, even though tonight is a tremendous disappointment, take heart in what we do have, besides the aforementioned things.
We still have art, and music - how great is music?! - and we have beautiful places to live, and good friends. We have Faith, because we know that in the long run the Good Guys always win. If you need proof of that, the truth is that the world would have ended long ago if the Bad Guys won.
Hitler ultimately lost, so did Stalin and communism. They always lose, even when they win.
We, on the other hand, never lose (even when it seems like we did).
We lost the Presidency tonight, because America has a lesson to learn. We already know the answer to that lesson, because we are ahead of the game. We are the stronger, and far more intelligent ones.
We just have to wait until the others catch up. Trump will help that process along by being an utter failure as President.
In the meantime, be Stoic. We will get through this just as we have several times before.
See you in the morning. God Bless America.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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