Happy Late Night, my Darling,
That was a great photo you posted this morning from the Phoenix airport. You have everything lined up perfectly, and it looks extra cool because the frames in the window section things off, like the two crosses on the right middle, which in turn are spaced so that they show depth. It's an awesome pic, and it also has one little detail that "makes" the picture for me. You know how I love Little Details in photographs. :)
Can you guess what it is?
It is the man's arm, who is sitting in the chair, and the drink he is holding out. The arm, drink and straw are in near silhouette and are backlit, so very small details stand out. You can even see clearly the outline of the plastic top on the drink. And the way his arm is bent at the elbow creates a perfect "v" shape that goes with, and also contrasts, the geometry of the overall picture. Great work, Elizabeth. I hope you had a great time in Arizona, and as always I will look forward to seeing the result of the work you did there.
As for me, I am hanging in there, as is the half of America who are not pleased with our new "President". I am hanging in there, but I feel like I got nuked. I have been posting a lot of anti-Trump stuff, and I know it does not fit in with my normal focus on art and generally more pleasant things, but I feel it is extremely important to stand up to him now, and not to wait. I do not feel that he should be allowed to actually become President, because he has shown us all who he is. And I know that it will be incredibly difficult to impede him, because of the long standing and seemingly impenetrable procedures in place that create a new President. However, we have to try (and without violence), because people seem to think that this nation can never fall. Hey!, we're America! Or 'Murica if you prefer. We've got hundreds of millions of badass uneducated Rednecks with guns, who don't take no shit from nobody!
We can never be conquered.
But as somebody once said, maybe Abe Lincoln, if America is ever taken over, it will happen from within. That's what 9/11 was all about, and now they are trying it again, only in a different way.
No tirade tonight, except to say that Trump must be stopped. This is the worst political travesty I have seen in my lifetime, and it is frightening. People did not vote for Trump in spite of his racism and misogyny, but because of it. And even then, he is conning them, the Stupid People Of America, the Bumpkins, the Rednecks. They are being played and conned, so he can gain power, though he really is a racist and all those other things we know him to be. What he really is, is a Megalomaniac. And thus he must be stopped.
People in other countries could tell you.
Germany could tell you "we should have stopped Hitler".
Italy could tell you "we should have stopped Mussolini".
Japan could have told you "we should have stopped Tojo and Hirohito".
And on and on.
But we are America! We chant "U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!", and we think we are immune to coups, to takeovers. We've got badass MFers, with guns, and we don't need no education.
That's why those of us who do see what is going on are so worried, and so pissed off, and why I hope we won't let up and won't let this Truly Rotten Trump off the hook, just because he is playing nice all of a sudden.
I don't like being angry about things; it's not my nature. It's the opposite of my nature, and the opposite of a lot of people's nature, and that's what they count on, that we won't say anything. Even though Trump steamrolled his way into the Presidency, through bullying and intimidation, and appealing to the worst nature in the mass of Stupid Angry Bumpkins that populate this country.
Obviously, just being pissed and posting anti-Trump stuff on FB doesn't do much but release some steam and make me (and millions of others) feel less likely to explode. I will do it less as the days pass, just because my real easygoing nature will take over, but I hope my focus will not abate : that Trump has got to go. That he cannot be allowed to be our President. I hope the millions of us who see him for exactly what he is will not lose focus as our energy wanes and our anger abates. Anger takes energy, and is depleting. It is a natural reaction to an outrage, though it cannot be sustained forever.
Focus can be sustained, however. And I hope we will all keep our focus on getting rid of this guy.
He is not welcome in the White House, home to Washington, Lincoln, FDR and JFK.
In 2000, we went through a similar scenario, in which the Presidency was stolen from Al Gore, even though he won the popular vote against GWB, and in reality he won the electoral college also, though Bush stole it in Florida through a series of dirty tricks.
That felt horrible, like a massive sucker punch late at night, a big switcheroo after the networks had already called the election for Gore. It felt horrible, a Republican ripoff, and the feeling took weeks to go away. And then we were stuck with George Dubya Bush for eight years, and besides starting two wars, he almost ran the country into the ground.
That was horrible, SB.........but this is much, much worse.
Just watching Trump over the last 16 months tells you all you need to know. But what makes it ever scarier is Redneck America's approval of him, not in spite of all he said and did, but because of it.
That's why he's got to be stopped, and why we should NOT just "give him a chance" and make nice.
I hope we won't lose our focus in stopping him, even as our anger abates.
That's all I know for tonight. See you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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